The 4400 – The Wrath of Graham

“The Wrath of Graham” is episode one of the fourth and final season of The 4400.

Tom and Kyle head to The 4400 Centre where everyone but Diana, Maia and Ben are paused. Diana unpauses the rest when they arrive. There are other 4400s and members of NTAC there and Shawn takes the podium to introduce the man some call a saviour, others a messiah, who made 4400 abilities available to everyone. Jordan Collier. Collier takes the podium and says that with this gift they have made heaven on Earth, and tells them to bow their heads in thanks. When he does, Collier is the only one left and the place is in disarray. A poster blows around, saying promicin use is illegal. Then he wakes and Kevin Burkhoff tells him it was just a dream. Collier knows how bad the world he prevented was, but he isn’t sure the world he created is any better. A newspaper headline says promicin deaths are expected to reach 6,000 by the end of the year.

Diana is in Spain with Ben and Maia. She’s been offered a job with the EU and is thinking of taking it. Are the others ready to settle down?

Tom is at home reading on the investigation into Alana’s disappearance; she looked to have been abducted again in the season three finale, “Fifty-Fifty”, when the door is opened. It’s Kyle, who has a new job and was going to get a hotel but decided it was stupid to leave his father by himself.

At a school, a boy is writing about how he took promicin and, though he didn’t die, he’s still the same old Graham. However, when it comes time to choose basketball sides, both pickers want Graham. Who’s surprised, as everyone knows he’s rubbish. The teacher says that if Graham doesn’t want to shoot hoops, they won’t. What does Graham want to do? Thumb wrestling. Everyone pairs off and starts.

Tom arrives at NTAC and Garrity tells him their new boss is here; Garrity thinks she’s a political appointment and not qualified. And she wants to see Tom. The new boss, Meghan Doyle, introduces herself and gives him a file. One he’s not cleared to read, on Isabelle. Doyle knows Tom’s come to a dead end looking for Alana and it’s possible she was abducted again. Isabelle is the one person alive with a tangible connection to the future. If Alana was taken again, Isabelle might say. As for breaking the rules, if Doyle succeeds in bringing in Jordan Collier, no-one will be bothered what rules she broke. If she fails, no-one will care she toed the line.

Kyle has gone to see Shawn, who’s still in a coma after what Isabelle did to him. Kyle explains that he took promicin, hoping he could help Kyle like Kyle helped him. But no change.

Tess is outside when she comes across someone dressed the same as she is. It’s Devon, pleading for help as she dies. However, Tess seems to actually be with Burkhoff and Collier. It seems the strain has caused a break and she needs proper medical care. Burkhoff isn’t willing to sacrifice Tess to keep Collier safe.

Graham is at home when there’s a knock on the door. Two boys from school, both dressed like Graham now. They say they’ve all been talking and they believe in him. They’re not the only ones. Other kids from the school are there, dressed the same way and with candles. Except for one girl, Amber, who’s dressed in a white robe and it doesn’t look like much else. She comes in and kisses Graham. He explains he took the promicin. Amber says the light shines out of Graham. They all see it now. He asks if she really wants to do this. She wasn’t wearing much under the robe.

Graham is a 16-year-old boy and an outsider who know has a power that makes people start to worship him and do anything he asks them to. Not a great combination, and he quickly moves past just his school. Isabelle tells Tom that perhaps Alana was taken away as punishment for him not killing Isabelle. Kyle bumps into someone seemingly by accident but which may not have been.

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