The 4400 – One of Us

“One of Us” is episode ten of season four of The 4400.

An unresponsive Richard is what appears to be the future medical facility where the 4400s were created with a surgeon. Two men come in, neither of whom the surgeon was expecting, and one kills him. Tom is one of the two. He wakes and Doyle asks if everything is okay. He had a weird dream. And, looking in the mirror, sees the self he saw in the future.

In the previous episode, “Daddy’s Little Girl”, Richard had Isabelle turned into a toddler again. After playing, he tucks her into bed, then hears a noise downstairs. There’s a woman in the kitchen. Lily.

Richard tells Lily she died. She says she didn’t. She woke up here an hour ago and wasn’t sure where she was, but knew Richard would be back. The last thing she remembers is looking for Isabelle at the Centre, because she was not in her crib. Lily says she feels real and remembers everything and can touch things. She can’t explain it, but isn’t being here enough? It may well be.

Burkhoff is with Shaun; he asks him a question about his handedness. Shaun is left-handed. As are 9 out of 10 people who survived promicin. Burkhoff didn’t know what it meant, until now. The corpus callosum that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is slightly larger in the left-handed. Burkhoff thinks this will determine whether or not someone is able to integrate a new neural transmitter. If he can figure it out, a simple CAT scan will tell who will live or die. A couple of months, maybe less, to do this. Shaun needs to speak to Jordan Collier, to get Collier telling people intending to take the shot to simply wait.

Tom is in NTAC, but when he exits the lift, he’s back in the future. Richard is still there, and Lily is next to him. Then Diana comes over and he’s back in NTAC. She tells him Rebecca Parrish, the Director of National Intelligence, is with Doyle and wants to see them.

Parrish (Penny Johnson Jerald) says there’s been nothing but bad news from Seattle. Even catching Richard was botched. She’s talking about how she wants Tom and Diana to bring in Richard as Tom starts seeing the future again. He leaves. In private, Tom tells Diana what he’s seeing. What if they’re someone else’s memories? What if he’s becoming Marked? Diana tells him to see a doctor.

Lily asks Richard how long she’s been gone. He tells her, but he doesn’t want to waste time with explanations. She’s sure they have all the time in the world. He is not, and isn’t sure he could cope if he believed she was real and then she wasn’t. And lies about the photo of the grown Isabelle that Lily finds.

Tom is on the phone telling Diana that the doctor found nothing as he arrives home and discovers his back door open. Parrish is there with her security people, who she then tells to leave. Parrish explains she thinks she knows what Tom is going through, describing similar symptoms. Which sounds as if she is Marked. Parrish tells Tom to accept the situation, as she did. She’s been much happier. Her friends say she’s a new person. Tom tells Diana and Doyle this. They have to at least consider the Director of National Intelligence is Marked.

Shaun heads to see Jordan Collier to tell him about Burkhoff’s test. Collier will not make a statement. If it’s known there are people who can take promicin and those who can’t, they will have a world with two classes of human being, leading to either inquisition or holocaust, depending on who strikes. He’s willing to let half the planet die to prevent that, as positives and negatives cannot live together.

Tom’s memories are from the creation of Isabelle. His fear that he’s one of the Marked seems genuine. Shaun is not going to let half the world die, whatever Collier says. And Richard is dealing with Lily.

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