The 100 – Reapercussions

“Reapercussions” is episode three of season two of The 100.

At the end of the previous episode, “Inclement Weather”, Clarke’s suspicions about the occupants of Mount Weather were proven to be true. They were using Grounders to cure themselves of radiation sickness by pumping the blood through them. It looks like whatever they do is hard on the Grounders, for they are discarded afterwards to the Reapers – although they aren’t dead. It seems there may be a connection between the Reapers and Mount Weather. Clarke frees Anya, the Grounder leader she had been fighting before, who was being kept prisoner, and tries to escape with her.

Lincoln had been taken by the Reapers, and Octavia wants to help his tribe recover him. They are not impressed with either her or the idea, and try to kill her.

Although Jafa had managed to land on Earth after firing himself there in a missile – only him; the baby he heard at the end of “The 48” turned out to be a hallucination caused by oxygen deprivation – we don’t find out anything more about where he landed this episode.

Kane is still struggling with the idea that conditions have changed because they are no longer on the Ark, although he realises that what they were forced to do on the Ark to stay alive because of their limited resources may not be needed on Earth, where at least some resources – like air – are no longer as limited.

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