The 100 (pronounced “the hundred”) is a television series based on a series of young adult books by Kass Morgan. The series is set 97 years after a nuclear war has devastated the Earth. There were a number of survivors in orbit on board various orbital stations belonging to different countries. These survivors combined the space stations into one large construction called The Ark.
Now, the Ark’s resources are running out and the ability to keep people alive on it will soon be lost, so the station’s rulers decide to send 100 prisoners to the planet to see if it’s habitable, the titular 100. If it is, they plan to bring everyone down to Earth before it’s too late.
The prisoners are all under the age of 18. There are many, many things that can get you punished on the Ark, something that isn’t surprising given the limited resources, and many of these will get you executed. However, criminals under the age of 18 are simply imprisoned, rather than executed, so these prisoners are the ones sent down to Earth, with the promise of a full pardon.
When the 100 arrive on the Earth, in the region of Washington, D.C. in the former United States, they discover that it is habitable, but it is not uninhabited, and the inhabitants who survived the nuclear war are rather unfriendly. The landing didn’t go to plan, either, leaving the 100 with equally limited resources, and they have to survive in a hostile environment.
The 100 is a series that is quite hard on minor characters, and some major ones. Calling the people “The 100” becomes inaccurate extremely quickly. Those left on the Ark are not immune to dangers, either. This may have originated from a young adult story, but the series itself is quite violent and bloody, with a lot of death, and other unpleasant scenes. Unlike a lot of young adult fiction, this does not suffer from being immature. In fact, it’s possibly a bit too mature for young adults, given the sheer amount of death and violence in it.
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