Supergirl – Homecoming

“Homecoming” is episode fourteen of season two of Supergirl.

At the end of the previous episode, “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk”, Kara and Mon-El finally got together. This episode opens with Mon-El in Kara’s bed. Alone, as it happens. He calls for Kara, and there’s no answer, causing him to wonder if it was that bad. Or that good. The television is on and there’s a news story on what Supergirl has done that morning already. Which explains where Kara went. She flies in at that point with flowers and coffee. Mon-El would like to wake up next to Kara though. Kara says that it’s nice to kiss someone without breaking something. They have to be at the DEO in 20 minutes, and Kara wants it kept quiet. The last time she liked someone, everyone in her life watched and commented on it. So, she wants it kept quiet.

The two arrive at the DEO and Mon-El promptly announces, to everyone present, that he and Kara are dating. Kara tells him he lasted all of 10 seconds. Mon-El replies that he couldn’t help himself. Besides, on Daxam, they throw parties when people get together. She’s lucky he didn’t arrange a parade. Kara would like everyone to forget it. J’onn would like nothing more. Unfortunately, as their supervisor, he has to ask them to report to HR. Yes, he’s serious; Kara is dating a co-worker. Fill out all the forms. In triplicate. Also, Alex says, they will need to attend a mandatory sexual harassment seminar. Mon-El and Kara are going to be sparring. He is now not looking forward to that.

Winn then announces something related to Cadmus, who have been quiet since Lillian escaped in “Luthors”. There’s a convoy leaving one of Cadmus’s suspected weapons storage facilities. Kara and J’onn fly to meet it; there are three SUVs and a lorry. J’onn takes out the SUVs and Kara uncouples the truck. Hanging in the back is Jeremiah Danvers.

Jeremiah is greeted by a happy Alex when they return to the DEO. Jeremiah explains that Cadmus saved him in the Amazon so that he could save the real Hank Henshaw. Jeremiah was forced to keep Henshaw alive and to enhance him. He finds it strange to see J’onn in Henshaw’s skin. Jeremiah thinks he did too good a job enhancing Henshaw as Cadmus kept him for other projects. He tried, and failed, to escape. Mon-El arrives; he was worried that Cadmus would imprison and torture Jeremiah for helping Mon-El and Kara escape in “The Darkest Place”. Which they did. Jeremiah has apparently suffered extensive damage to one hand as a result.

On the comment that they were lucky to find Jeremiah, Mon-El says that it was more than luck. They got an alert that Cadmus was moving a weapon; normally they only get alerts when Cadmus releases videos or that are caught red-handed. Mon-El says that it’s as if Cadmus were waving their red hands around in the air like they didn’t care. Jeremiah states that Cadmus has a weapon, a nuclear fusion bomb, to destroy National City with and blame it on aliens. They built it using the radiation they mined from Kara’s heat vision whilst she was a captive. Lillian Luthor is currently asking Cyborg Superman when it will be ready. Now, it seems. Lillian states they won’t stop them this time – a great way of tempting fate.

Winn recaps the situation, then asks if the DEO building is bombproof. Mon-El wants to talk to Kara privately. He was there and it didn’t look as if Cadmus were trying to capture her heat vision. Plus, he finds Jeremiah’s return awfully coincidental. Mon-El is concerned that Jeremiah has been turned. Kara is not.

Jeremiah is having a meal in Kara’s apartment, along with Eliza, Alex, Maggie when she arrives – he takes her introduction as Alex’s girlfriend well – J’onn and Mon-El. Jeremiah wants to return to the DEO and J’onn promises to take him on a tour tomorrow. Mon-El still has massive doubts, and is uncapable of hiding them. Kara asks how Mon-El would react if his father came through the door now. Mon-El would run; his father was not a good man. Sort of beside the point. The situation deteriorates and Jeremiah escorts Mon-El out. Jeremiah tells Mon-El he knows who Mon-El is and doubts Kara would like the truth. There were hints in “Supergirl Lives” that there’s something about Mon-El; a Dominator let him go and some others were looking for him.

Mon-El meets with Winn in the alien bar – where, in order to keep things subtle, Winn spells out ‘B O M B’ after fusion. Not subtle at all. Mon-El explains he is concerned about Jeremiah’s return. He thinks Cadmus let him escape. Winn thinks giving Mon-El his Netflix password was a bad idea; watching that much 24 is bad for you. Mon-El insists he isn’t paranoid. They’ve been too luck – and they are never that lucky.

Mon-El’s suspicions cause more problems, especially when they spill over and make Kara suspicious as well. Which causes problems between her and Alex. Of course, Mon-El is going to have a right to be paranoid. It’s odd that no-one else isn’t really thinking about what 14 years in captivity could do to a person. Stockholm Syndrome is a thing, after all; even if Jeremiah isn’t suffering from it, surely, it’s something that should have been considered.

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