Supergirl – Distant Sun

“Distant Sun” is episode seventeen of season two of Supergirl.

Kara is in bed when she is woken up by the smell of something cooking. She goes looking and finds Mon-El making breakfast; he was trying to make breakfast in bed for her as a thank you for giving him. In The Flash episode, “Duet”, Music Meister’s goal was to mend Barry’s relationship with Iris and Kara’s with Mon-El. Through the power of musicals. A bit weird.

Mon-El has also made poached egg. He found instructions. It seems books are more useful than YouTube. Who knew? Mon-El wants to be good enough to fill Kara’s every moment with joy. One thing Kara likes about lacking a job (does she get a stipend from the DEO?) is getting to spend more time in orbit. Nothing more has been heard from Mon-El’s parents, after the told them he was staying on Earth on the previous episode, “Star-Crossed”. They are simply hovering in orbit. Mon-El asks if that’s what’s meant by helicopter parenting.

On the news there is an article about an alien rampaging in a midtown park. One with a laser eyepatch. Mon-El asks if he can come with, then realises all his stuff is at the DEO. Kara is already ready and heads off; Mon-El says he will get a start on the laundry. Kara manages to defeat the alien by putting her hand over its laser eyepatch, which explodes.

J’onn is at the DEO having a video conference with President Marsdin. She asks him about the Daxamite ship, which is hovering in low orbit but there have been no signs of activity for days. Mon-El says they could be dangerous. Because of this, Marsdin wants J’onn to refrain from engaging them again, until her office gets more info. She doesn’t want to start an intergalactic conflict. Is that really what this is about? In “Welcome to Earth” it was briefly revealed that Marsdin isn’t human.

J’onn briefs everyone at the DEO about the alien in the park, It’s one of a race of alien bounty hunters. Winn found a small device that projects an image of Supergirl. To which Kara says it’s her in way too cheerful a tone. It’s an interplanetary messaging device, for all your shady space needs. There’s a message on it giving Kara’s name, location and bounty on proof of death. See, that was way too cheerful. The bounty, according to Mon-El, is enough to buy a planet.

That sort of money is going to bring every bounty hunter there. Kara is willing to take them on one at a time; Alex points out that battling bounty hunters is not a good way to ensure public safety. J’onn agrees that Kara should stay out of sight, as does Mon-El. Kara doesn’t want to, but J’onn convinces her to lay low for a day. J’onn asks Mon-El to keep an eye on Kara. He will. There’s just something he has to do first.

That something is meeting his parents in the alien bar. Mon-El’s mother, Rhea, isn’t impressed. Even after Mon-El explains the honourable job of mixologist to her. Mon-El is sure they placed the bounty on Kara. Because who else wants her dead and has that sort of money? This is denied. Rhea is not leaving either; she spent a long time looking for Mon-El and would rather die than leave Earth without him.

Kara is at home with James and Winn and going stir-crazy, wanting to pop out briefly. James is pleased when Mon-El arrives, not just because of his super strength. Mon-El tells them he was questioning some suspects. His parents. Outside, a man is looking up at the apartment’s window. Mon-El still isn’t convinced that his parents weren’t involved; Winn suggests they should meet his father. Outside, the man concentrates and Mon-El drops his beer. Then doubles over. The eyes of the man outside glow and his head ripples. Mon-El’s eyes glow too, and he says he can’t move. Then runs at Kara, sending them both through the window. Mon-El is apologising to Kara, because someone is making him fight her. Winn has a detector that shows if another messaging device is nearby, and it’s just gone off. James, as Guardian, attempts to help, and Winn comes up behind the alien and gets him to stop. With a stapler. The control stops just as Kara punches Mon-El in the face.

At the DEO, the telepath is refusing to talk. He say6s humans are too moral to do what is needed. Alex asks Winn to get her a wrench. J’onn tells Alex to stand down. After all, he is a telepath too. Mon-El’s parents are the ones behind the bounty. Mon-El isn’t happy. J’onn also tells them they have been told not to attack the Daxamite ship.

Mon-El thinks he and Kara should run. Kara thinks they should talk to his mother. Mon-El has been reading Romeo and Juliet (more ‘star-crossed lovers’). He hasn’t finished it yet and thinks it has a happy ending. Mon-Elo doesn’t believe his parents will change. Kara points out that Mon-El did. So, they do talk to Rhea – who goes after Kara with a kryptonite dagger.

Mon-El’s father, Lar Gand, is giving the impression that he is far more reasonable than Rhea. Rhea is giving the impression of full-on psycho parenting. She will have her son back, no matter what. It seems that the most important part of that is ‘her.’ Alex is dealing with some emotional issues regarding Maggie and a previous relationship of the latter. She’s pretty supportive.

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