“Ex-Deus Machina” is episode seven of season nine of Stargate SG-1.
During the previous episode, “Beachead”, Sam Carter rejoined SG-1 and at the end of it Vala risked her life to stop the Ori from creating a supergate link to their home galaxy. Which was powered by a mini black hole they turned a planet into. It was thought that Vala may have escaped through the gate to the Ori’s galaxy before the gate, and her, were destroyed.
A Jaffa is killed in a hit and run accident – on Earth. The Jaffa, a former follower of Lord Yu, could now have been loyal to Gerak, who become leader of the Jaffa High Council in “Origin”. A businessman on Earth has disappeared. It seems he has a connection to The Trust, who had been compromised by the Goa’uld it was revealed in “Full Alert”. There is also a connection to Ba’al, who Gerak is looking for.
Ba’al is threatening Earth, and Gerak can’t be stopped from chasing him. Even if that puts Earth at risk.