Star Trek: Voyager – Virtuoso

“Virtuoso” is episode thirteen of season six of Star Trek: Voyager.

Voyager has towed a damage vessel aboard to repair it whilst the Doctor treats the Qomar crew who are suffering minor injuries. The one that the Doctor is currently treat him calls him a primitive computer matrix. The Doctor responds that he is trained in 5 million procedures. Does that include bloodletting? No, but he will be happy to add it. A woman, Tincoo, explains that they are ready to return to their ship and to contact the captain. Speaking slowly, loudly and with gestures. The Doctor contacts the captain, then tells Tincoo that she is coming. In exactly the same manner. The Qomar are thinking of disabling the Doctor’s speech subroutines when the captain arrives.

The Doctor tells Captain Janeway that the Qomar lack manners. She says they are having problems understanding the Qomar’s ship. They tell her that Voyager‘s antiquated tech is the problem; the interference from the scanning devices shut down their propulsion system. Technology so advanced that being scanned breaks it. The Qomar are not accustomed to interacting with other species. Especially inferior ones. The captain will leave the repairs to their superior abilities. No, there isn’t anyone else to their injuries.

After the captain leaves, the Doctor starts singing. The Qomar like this, but have no idea what it is. The Doctor asks if they have never heard of any kind of music. There are other kinds? Yes. What’s the purpose? Well, primarily as artistic expression. To convoy images, emotions, communicate feelings. Music is much more expressive than speech. And, though music does have other applications, its use is primarily recreational. And others on the ship can do it. The database has the work of thousands of composers.

The Qomar invite Voyager back to their closed system. Prelate Koru contacts them and welcomes them to the Qomar Planetary Alliance. They want to know more about music. And are willing to exchange technology for complete access to the EMH. The captain suggests a recital. A live performance, with the EMH as the star attraction. This is held in the mess hall and the Doctor goes down a treat. Harry and the Kimtones, not so much, until the Doctor joins in.

Afterwards, Tom is selling rock & roll. Does the Doctor sing this? It’s not his favourite genre, Chakotay tells them. He’s more an opera man, according to Tom. As are the Qomar. Now. A Qomar called Vinka introduces herself to Harry. Because she wants to be introduced to the Doctor. Koru and Tincoo want to introduce singing to more people. They would consider it an honour for the Doctor to perform on their planet.

In engineering, the Doctor discusses what he wants with B’Elanna – who is responding in typical manner – and Tincoo. The Qomar are willing to change an entire building to accommodate the Doctor. He wants B’Elanna to alter his mobile emitter for quick changes.

On planet, there are a lot of people waiting to listen to the Doctor. He’s backstage with Tincoo, and nervous because he’s going to expose the Qomar to music for the first time. The responsibility is enormous. Tincoo says the performance will be transmitted to hundreds of millions. That isn’t helping. He does get a standing ovation – for stepping out on stage (Robert Picardo, the Doctor, is a capable singer).

Layer, Voyager goes to red alert and Seven of Nine calls the captain to astrometrics. She put the ship on red alert because she has evidence that the Qomar are attempting to sabotage Voyager, by overloading their comm system with huge amounts of irrelevant data. The transmissions are all addressed to the Doctor. The captain explains the concept of fan mail. Seven considers the term ‘fan’ to be appropriate, as it’s derived from ‘fanatic.’ Then Tuvok reports a security problem. Actual fans, wanting to see the Doctor. Including two females in sickbay who really want to get to know him better.

The Doctor is enjoying the adulation, perhaps a little too much on occasion. The Qomar also want him to remain behind when Voyager leaves, and he does find that prospect enticing. Others on the crew, not so much.

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