Star Trek: Voyager – Repression

“Repression” is episode four of season seven of Star Trek: Voyager.

A Bajoran has various things related to Voyager. He’s talking about this being the time of awakening, to return to the dark place where all life springs. A time of rebirth when the mind awakens to focus on the task. He has details of some of Voyager‘s crew, all of whom were in the Maquis, on his computer.

Tom and B’Elanna are heading to the holodeck for a date. Inside, B’Elanna asks if this is a lecture hall. Or an opera house. And a moment of horror when she asks if they’re going to watch another of the Doctor’s performances. Tom tells her it’s a movie house from Chicago. He’s also reproduced chewing gum on the floor. Tom hands B’Elanna some 3D glasses. She checks. He’s programmed a 3D environment to project a 2D image and they are wearing glasses to make this 3D. Yes. Tom puts him arm around B’Elanna to demonstrate another reason people went to the movies. She thinks it would be more fun if they were alone. He removes the audience, but someone is still there. Ensign Tabor. Tom asks if he’s okay. He doesn’t look it.

Tabor is now in sickbay and the Doctor tells Chakotay Tabor appears to be in a coma. He wants to know what he was doing. Tuvok is in the holodeck and B’Elanna and Tom are explaining how they found Tabor and the last time they spoke to him; Tom spoke about 10-15 minutes before entering. Harry has reviewed the sensor logs; everything was fine. The captain contacts Tuvok and tells him to report to sickbay.

According to the Doctor, Tabor was attacked. The captain orders yellow alert and puts Tuvok in charge of the investigation. He heads to Tabor’s quarters and finds a crewman, Jor, already there. She was getting a book to take to Tabor to read to him. Tuvok checks where she was at the time of the incident.

Tuvok and Chakotay are in the captain’s ready room. Harry has discovered several files were deleted from the holodeck logs. Tuvok believes a member of the crew is responsible; one suspect, Jor. Chakotay finds this hard to believe. Tuvok says there may be other suspects. After Chakotay leaves to check the external sensors, Captain Janeway says Tuvok is awfully convinced that a member of the crew is responsible. Tuvok has a hunch. Vulcans don’t normally get hunches.

In engineering, another crewman, Yosa, enters a Jefferies tube. Someone approaches him, blinding him with a light. He ends up in sickbay, in the same condition as Tabor. He was discovered by Jor. Chakotay tries to contact Jor. She doesn’t respond. The computer says she’s in the mess hall. Chakotay finds her in the same condition as the other two. Jor has been eliminated as a suspect.

Chakotay asks the captain if anything strikes her about those attacked. Yes; they’re all former Maquis. Chakotay is worried someone hasn’t put the past behind them. The Doctor doesn’t know the cause of the comas or how to reverse them. They need to protect the rest of the Maquis. He’s running out of beds. Chakotay and B’Elanna brief the others.

Tom and Harry show Tuvok something they have found. A partial image of someone standing over Tabor. They can get the rough height and weight. This eliminates Naomi Wildman. They will work on the resolution. It looks like something concerns Tuvok about the image.

Chell is with B’Elanna. He’s spinning conspiracy theories. She isn’t impressed. Chell thinks Seven could be behind it.

Tuvok is interviewing the crew, and gets to Harry. He’s speaking to those who received letters in the last datastream from Earth. 28 people got letters, but only six fit the parameters. During the conversation, Tuvok starts spacing out a bit. Then the Doctor calls him to report to sickbay. Tabor has revived. He feels fine, but doesn’t remember anything.

The former Maquis are in pairs and Chakotay and his partner come across Chell. B’Elanna had got rid of him. Chakotay goes looking for her in cargo bay two – by himself – and finds her in a coma too. Tuvok is standing there. Tuvok repeats some things the Bajoran at the beginning said. Then attacks Chakotay and mind melds with him.

Tuvok is the one behind the attacks, though he doesn’t consciously know it. He’s struggling to find the perpetrator, because it’s himself. Those attacked wake up feeling fine some time later. But clearly there has to be another purpose for the attacks.

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