Star Trek: Voyager – Repentance

“Repentance” is episode thirteen of season seven of Star Trek: Voyager.

Voyager is responding to a distress call and Harry reports a number of lifesigns onboard the ship, two weak. Those two are transported directly to sickbay, the rest to a cargo bay, with security teams dispatched to each. In the cargo bay, Tuvok arrives and one person asks where their weapons are; they are guarding dangerous criminals. And two are missing. Both are in sickbay and one has something to Seven’s throat.

The Doctor asks what the man wants. A ship, food. Tuvok and the leader from the cargo bay enter; the Doctor asks who he is. Warden Yediq. Seven knocks down her assailant who then tries taking the Doctor hostage. The Doctor says he’s a hologram and can’t be harmed. As Tuvok demonstrates by shooting through him.

In the captain’s ready room, Yediq explains that they didn’t use the escape pods because they couldn’t risk their prisoners getting away. They’re being transported back to their homeworld. To be executed. All eight are murderers; three are multiples. Yediq can arrange for a ship to meet them. After Yediq leaves, Chakotay says some of the crew aren’t going to be comfortable delivering eight men to their death. The captain isn’t happy about it either.

In sickbay, the Doctor is complaining to Seven about her and Tuvok’s actions. And shimmering; he did take some damage from the phasor. Seven will repair it. The captain enters and the attacker, Iko, demands she let him out. Or he will kill everyone. Janeway contacts Tuvok to see if the accommodation for the prisoners is ready. It is. Initiate transport.

Cells, in a cargo hold, which Tuvok explains to Yediq. Yediq’s men will be allowed weapons in the cargo bay. Neelix arrives with food; Yediq complains but Neelix explains that this nis Federation guidelines for the treatment of prisoners and Tuvok agrees. Sensibly, the force field protecting the cells only opens a portal to allow food to be passed through. Though an actual door would likely be better. One prisoner thanks Neelix.

The Doctor is complaining to Seven about handing the prisoners over to be executed. No, he wouldn’t like them released; they’re dangerous. Seven says that executing them will mean they never pose a threat again. So would life imprisonment. Seven thinks that may use too many resources. The Doctor suggests rehabilitation, so they can become productive members of society. Seven says their victims will not have the same opportunity. The Doctor is against killing them.

Joleg, the prisoner who thanked Neelix, is now talking to him. Iko provokes the warden and gets beaten until Voyager‘s security guards stop it. Yediq justifies himself to the captain; violence is the only thing Iko understands. The captain puts Tuvok in charge of the prisoners.

The Doctor is treating Iko when Seven enters; he needs to use her nanoprobes to save Iko’s life, due to damage from the beating. She agrees, but thinks it’s inefficient to save the life of a man who will be executed. Neelix is talking to Joleg, who says that he is Benkaran and in the vicinity of a murder, that is why he was found guilty.

In sickbay, the Doctor revives Iko, who thanks him, then Seven. Iko says Seven was never afraid of him. It’s nice not to see fear in someone’s eyes. In the mess hall, Neelix is late with food; he explains to Tom and B’Elanna he’s been doing research. Benkarans make up 80% of the Nygeans’ prison population.

The Doctor wants another dose of nanoprobes for Iko from Seven, who he says is now a model patient. Then Iko calls out in pain. The Doctor can’t detect anything wrong with him. Seven suggests Iko is feeling guilt. It seems the nanoprobes may have done more than stop Iko from dying; they may well have cured what made him a sociopath too. Making him literally not the same person as the one who committed the crimes. Seven winds up sympathising with Iko, and Neelix with Joleg.

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