Star Trek: The Next Generation – Unification II

“Unification II” is episode eight of season five of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

At the end of the previous episode, “Unification I”, Captain Picard and Data had found Spock. The captain wants to know what Spock is doing on Romulus. Spock says it’s none of Starfleet’s business; the captain disagrees. Spock says he’s on a personal mission of peace and will advise Starfleet when appropriate. He wants Picard to leave; the captain won’ without an explanation. Cowboy diplomacy will not be tolerated. The Federation needs to be informed and Picard is the Federation’s representative. Spock had hoped to avoid this. The captain also has bad news regarding Sarek. Spock realises what he means.

Spock knows about the events of “Sarek” and the captain explains he saw Sarek before coming here. He felt pride and love for Spock. Spock thinks Sarek wouldn’t have approved, but there is a group of Romulans who want to know more about Vulcan philosophy. They are considered to be enemies of the state, but a few, like Pardek, are sympathetic. Pardek asked Spock to come. The time may be right to take the first steps towards reunification. It may be unlikely, but Spock cannot ignore the chance that it might work. There’s a new proconsul who Pardek thinks is openminded enough. Spock refers to the events of Star Trek VI in generalities, as it was upcoming; after what happened, he was unwilling to risk anyone’s life but his own. The captain thinks Spock is being influenced by his emotions. Spock says Sarek would say that. The captain will not leave until the affair is complete. Spock thinks he’s just as stubborn as another captain of the Enterprise he once knew.

Data wants to use the Klingons’ computer to access the Romulan central information net, and contact Enterprise. He convinced the captain to allow him to do so.

Spock and Picard are in public and are informed, with a flower, that the senate has adjourned, Spock says the movement is widespread enough to concern the Romulan leadership. A young Romulan, D’Tan, shows Spock a book that tells the story of the separation. Pardek arrives and suggests they talk elsewhere. He says the proconsul has agreed to meet with Spock.

The Enterprise, meanwhile, is still at Qualor II, investigating the theft of the surplus Vulcan ship. Commander Riker is at a bar and speaks to the piano player. He wants to talk to her about her ex-husband. The dead one. She says he must be from the Enterprise. Riker would like to know of any business partners he might have. She asks why she should help. Riker can’t think of a reason. Well, killing her ex was a good start. She’d like a tip as well. Riker has no cash, but offers to show her some new music, 20th century blues. There’s an arms trader who comes in, a fat Ferengi.

Pardek and Spock head to see the proconsul, Neral. Pardek leaves them to speak alone. Neral thinks that unification will come. Their two worlds need it. The old leaders have lost the respect of the people, with the events of the Klingon civil war and endless confrontations with the Federation. The proconsul is willing to openly endorse starting talks between Vulcans and Romulans. The senate is recalled to session, and Neral asks to speak to Spock tomorrow. After Spock leaves, Sela enters.

The underground is pleased, but Captain Picard is more cautious. As is Spock. They’re right to be cautious, given Sela’s involvement. Spock will still meet with Neral, though; if he has an ulterior motive, it’s best to find out what it is. Likely not good for the Vulcans.

Spock and Data chat about their respective choices; Data has what most Vulcans strive for and Spock gave up the humanity that Data strives to achieve. Spock also talks to Captain Picard about Sarek; he will miss the arguments he had with his father.

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