Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Pegasus

“The Pegasus” is episode twelve of season seven of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Troi and Captain Picard are going through entries for Captain Picard Day in the observation lounge whilst Riker watches in amusement as the captain complains about it and asks why it has to be him. Because he’s the captain. And a role model. Riker finds a Captain Picard doll he likes and has to be called back by Troi when he tries leaving with it. Troi reminds the captain he has to pick the winners and honourable mentions. Then Worf contacts the captain; there’s a call from Admiral Blackwell.

The admiral tells the captain their mission has changed and the Enterprise is to rendezvous with the Crazy Horse and has authority to exceed the warp speed limitation from “Force of Nature”. They will meet someone from Starfleet Intelligence who will explain the mission. The admiral sees the Captain Picard Day in the background. The captain says it’s for the children; he’s a role model. Admiral Blackwell is sure he is.

On the way to the transporter room, after rendezvousing with the Crazy Horse, Riker asks who won. The captain tells him, and that he’s doing a Commander Riker Day next month. Riker is suddenly less amused. The person beamed onboard knows Riker, and sees that Riker doesn’t seem that happy to see him. Riker introduces Admiral Eric Pressman. The captain realises this was Riker’s first CO, on the Pegasus. The Pegasus is the reason Pressman is there. She’s still out there and the Romulans have found her.

The admiral, meeting with Riker, Captain Picard and Geordi, says the Pegasus was lost 12 years ago. The captain knows it was destroyed in a warp core breach, lost with most of the crew. Riker, Pressman and seven others made it to the escape pods. There was a matter-antimatter explosion but no wreckage, and Starfleet declared her destroyed.

According to the admiral, they have an operative in the Romulan High Command. Three days ago, a Warbird found wreckage positively identified as being from the Pegasus and was ordered to retrieve the rest. Geordi asks why the Romulans would want a 12-year-old starship. Because she was a protype with experimental engines, weapons and lots of things the Romulans would love to get their hands on. Riker gives the admiral a look. Pressman says they are to get the Pegasus before the Ro0mulans and salvage it if they can, destroy it if they can’t.

The Enterprise arrives at the system and an asteroid thicket, and a Warbird decloaks in front of them. It arms weapons, then hails. Captain Picard and Commander Sirol verbally spar for a bit – the captain would hate to see the Warbird damaged in a misunderstanding – before the Warbird moves off to continue scanning the system.

Riker and Admiral Pressman are chatting in Ten Forward. Pressman thinks there is a good chance they will find the Pegasus. And yes, the experiment too. Riker asks if the admiral ever wonders if they did the right thing. No; it was a tragedy but not their fault. And now they have a chance to finish what they started 12 years ago. Thew chief of Starfleet Security is supporting the mission and Riker has written orders not to reveal the true nature of the mission to anyone.

Captain Picard talks to Pressman about how he chose Riker, which was given in “Encounter at Farpoint: Part I” and asks if there’s anything the admiral can add to the official account of the Pegasus. No, there isn’t. Which is probably not true.

Riker turns up in sickbay; he’s got a broken rib from sparring with Worf. His conversation to Dr Crusher doesn’t sound like he’s talking about that.

Both the Enterprise and the Romulans are searching when Geordi reports he’s found something. Captain Picard and Admiral Pressman arrive on the bridge. There’s what appears to be a Federation warp core below the surface of an asteroid, possibly in a chasm. The Romulans are heading in. It will take too long to survey. Riker says to destroy the asteroid; Pressman wants a third option. They manage to mask the warp core’s resonance signature, the move off as if there was nothing to find.

There’s clearly something on the Pegasus that isn’t what the rest of the crew have been told. And what happened to the Pegasus sounds like it was different to the official account. And Captain Picard is sure of this. And, presumably, so are the Romulans.

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