Star Trek: The Next Generation – Samaritan Snare

“Samaritan Snare” is episode seventeen of season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The Enterprise is en route to do an astronomical survey of a pulsar cluster and Wesley is going to divert to Starbase 515 to take Starfleet exams. On the bridge, Commander Riker is telling Wesley is going to get credit for his work on the Enterprise. Both Riker and Data say that practical experience is valuable, though Data says it in a more complex manner.

Captain Picard is arguing with Dr Pulaski who is ordering him to report to Starbase 515 immediately, in her capacity as chief medical officer. Picard insists he feels fine; she says he has waited far too long. Regarding the mission, it will be carried out by the science officers. The captain was looking forward to seeing the cluster. Pulaski can carry out the operation right here. The captain feels it’s inappropriate. The doctor says he does have an ego and is concerned about his image. If he reports to Starbase 515, his image will be safe with her.

The captain arrives on the bridge and tells Wesley he will be accompanying him in the shuttle. Riker asks if it’s something he can take care of. Hardly. Picard is well aware he will miss the survey, and heads to his ready room. Riker follows to see if something is wrong, because he’s being enigmatic. Picard reassures him it’s nothing to do with ship’s business.

Geordi is telling Wesley not to worry about his exams. Wesley isn’t worried about that; it’s spending 6 hours in a shuttle with Captain Picard that worries him. What could he talk about? Ensign Gomez has a list of topics. They are joined by the captain, and he and Wesley depart in the shuttle. On the bridge, Riker is wondering why Picard changed his mind. Then Worf reports receiving a mayday. Riker orders them to head there and Data mentions it will put a considerable distance between them and the captain. The episode’s title makes this seem suspect already.

The Enterprise encounters a drifting sublight vessel and hails them. The response they get back is ‘We are far from home.’ There ship is broken; they need help. Geordi arrives on the bridge and says they could help. The aliens say that they look for things. What are they looking for? Things they need. More specific? Things that make them go. Riker tells them that the Enterprise‘s chief engineer can beam over to help. Worf queries the wisdom of sending the chief engineer. Why not tell them how to do repairs? Riker doesn’t think they are capable. Worf is uncertain about this idea, perhaps rightly so. Data says the aliens, the Pakleds, are a relatively benign species. They may merely have poorly developed language skills and the ship has limited armaments.

Geordi beams across and is introduced to the Pakleds’ chief engineer. He thinks he can help. Counsellor Troi arrives on the bridge of the Enterprise and Riker fills her in. Troi is concerned; the Pakleds don’t feel helpless. Geordi is in great danger; it’s not help they’re after. Riker isn’t convinced, even when Data reminds him that the counsellor is a Betazoid. Worf is probably thinking he told the commander so.

With Troi saying Geordi is in great danger, Geordi is now… fixing the Pakled ship. Riker contacts to see if he’s alright. He is. Geordi doesn’t think there is anything to worry about. Troi is not convinced. After Geordi finishes his initial repair, another system fails.

Riker is finally starting to get a little concerned and tells the Pakleds they need their chief engineer back. Geordi has now finished, but one of the Pakleds takes Geordi’s phasor and stuns him. Then a shield goes up around the Pakled vessel, too advanced for them. According to Data, it’s Romulan. The Pakleds are now ignoring them.

The Pakleds look for things. Gullible suckers mostly, and Riker is certainly playing the part this episode. Worf: Is sending the chief engineer over a good idea? Why yes, I think it is. Troi: Geordi is in great danger. Then let’s leave him there because the Pakleds don’t seem a threat. Data: The counsellor is am empath and knows things we don’t. Let’s wait and see.

Elsewhere, Picard and Wesley are on the shuttle. The captain admits his heart was damaged and he needs a replacement, as the original replacement was faulty. Wesley thinks the captain would have preferred Commander Riker, because everyone knows the captain doesn’t like children. Which is a pity, as Wesley thinks he might have made a good father. After Wesley asks the captain if he’s always been so disciplined, Picard says no. If he had, he wouldn’t need a replacement heart. He got into a fight with some Norsicans when he was younger.

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