Star Trek: Enterprise – Breaking the Ice

“Breaking the Ice” is episode eight of season one of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Trip is chatting to Dr Phlox in the mess hall about some drawings sent by Trip’s nephew’s class. Phlox calls T’Pol over to take a look; he plans to put one in sickbay. Would T’Pol like one. She looks at one of the Enterprise and says it is crude yet surprisingly accurate. Trip offers her one of a Vulcan. The ship drops out of warp and Captain Archer suggests anyone not near a window find one. Outside there is a rather large comet. Archer requests senior staff report to the bridge. Reed says the comet isn’t in the Vulcan database. Archer wants to head in closer. T’Pol, when she arrives, says it’s 82.6km in diameter. She doesn’t see much point heading in closer; Vulcan and human scientists have found comets to be little more than rock and ice. Archer says it’s bigger than any humans have seen, and that must be worth a look.

Later, in her quarters’, T’Pol appears to have received a message in Vulcan. She looks a bit shocked. For Vulcan definitions of the term.

Trip is getting pecan pie in the mess hall when T’Pol arrives. She requests tea; on Trip advising her to steer clear of one type, she replies that caffeine has little effect on Vulcan physiology. Trip invites her to join him. Pecan pie is his favourite since he was a kid. It’s delicious. Mostly sugar, according to T’Pol. Which is kind of the definition of delicious. Trip asks if T’Pol is alright. She’s fine, but leaves.

According to T’Pol, the comet contains eisilium. An extremely rare mineral, but there in large quantities. Vulcan chemists have only obtained small amounts and have never been able to study it in detail. Archer asks if they can collect a sample with the transporter. No; it’s too deep. Reed suggests the portable drilling rig. He and Travis will take a shuttlepod.

Hoshi reports a Vulcan ship closing in. Captain Vanik speaks to them and says they are a long way from Earth. Are they lost? No; they’re taking a look at the comet. Vanik’s ship’s sensors detected it two days ago. They aren’t investigating the comet; they’re investigating Enterprise‘s interest in the comet. If they have no objection, Vanik would like to remain and observe. The captain wants a word with T’Pol in private. It’s strange a Vulcan vessel suddenly showing up. T’Pol suggests curiosity. Though she’s also claimed Vulcans aren’t that curious. This isn’t the first Vulcan ship lurking around.

Travis and Reed are heading in to the comet. Reed has never set foot on a comet before. Travis asks if anyone has. Reed isn’t certain. They should commemorate it somehow.

Trip wants Hoshi to look at something. She says it looks like an encrypted transmission. It came from the Vulcan ship. Who was it sent to? Trip tells the captain later that it went to T’Pol. No; T’Pol didn’t say anything about it. She’d also promised not to speak to the Vulcans without telling him first. Have Hoshi decrypt it.

The next thing is Hoshi is asking if they’re ready and Trip is asking if he really has to be here for this. He does. Nothing to do with the transmission; they’re recording something for a school class in Ireland. Archer answers some questions. The one on talking to aliens, he delegates to Hoshi, who has taught in the past and has no problems with it. The one on sanitation, he delegates to Trip, who looks horrified. They’ll think he’s a sanitation engineer. Maybe not; that term is not common outside the US. Phlox volunteers himself for a question in his speciality and would have gone on too long.

On the comet, Travis has made a snowman. Reed gives it an expression. Then the captain contacts them. He reminds them they are being observed – literally, by the Enterprise at the moment – and they need to make a good impression. Who’s the sculptor? Reed promises it won’t be there long.

Hoshi has cracked the transmission’s code but not translated it from Vulcan. Trip translates it and doesn’t seem happy. He goes to see Archer. It’s not what they expected. It’s a letter. A personal letter. Very personal. Trip tells the captain that he could order Trip to tell him the contents, but wouldn’t be happy if he did. Trip asks why the Vulcans encrypted it. If it had been sent through regular channels and marked ‘Personal’ they’d have left it alone. Trip is going to tell T’Pol. Archer tells him he’s a good man. But he might want to take a phase pistol.

T’Pol doesn’t take it that well. The letter’s contents also seem to be affecting her health. Dr Phlox suggests she talk to someone about whatever is troubling her. T’Pol doesn’t want to share the contents – but Trip already knows them. On the comet, Reed and Travis are mostly having fun. Archer invites Captain Vanik for dinner. It does not go well.

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