Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Begotten

“The Begotten” is episode twelve of season five of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Quark has bought what he believes is a dead Changeling, and he offers to sell it to Odo. Odo realises that it isn’t dead, although it has been irradiated, and that it’s an infant, just like he was when he was discovered. Odo wishes to teach the infant how to change shape and adapt, and to do it in a different way to how it was done to him. The Bajoran, Dr. Mora, who did originally experiment on Odo arrives at DS9, as he is considered to be an expert on Changelings. Odo still bears some resentment towards the methods that Mora used, and is somewhat hostile towards him, a feeling that isn’t returned.

Odo agrees to let Mora help, and the two do manage to improve their relationship, basically when they each realise that the other was, to a degree, right. They spend a lot of time around the Changeling, which essentially means that they are talking to, and pouring around, a glass of gelatinous goop.

Major Kira meanwhile is going into labour with the O’Brien’s baby (Nana Visitor actually had her baby during “Let He Who Is Without Sin…”, which is why she wasn’t in that episode). Traditional Bajoran birthing is, like so many Bajoran things, very spiritual in nature. A spirituality which gets disturbed when Shakaar arrives and he and Miles start squabbling.

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