Special Unit 2 – The Eve

“The Eve” is episode five of season two of Special Unit 2.

Three young women and a young man are in a cemetery at night. Two of the girls are flirting with the boy to get him to tell the story. It works. The boy says that most people are too scared to come into the cemetery. The third girl suggests they are too smart. One of the girls is talking about doing her toes and suggests the boy really likes her toes. He’s not touching them. There are hands in the ground doing so. Then the occupant of the grave, Paul Wayne Tilden, comes out of the ground and transforms from corpse to living. They run off as he’s joined by three more.

Kate, Nick and Carl are in the back of a surveillance truck waiting for someone to show. Nick is moaning because it’s Halloween when links can come out and get away with whatever they want. Carl winds up annoying him and they are fighting when Carl suddenly says he sees the link they’re looking for. Kate and Nick go after him and Nick pulls his gun. The link, Eugene, says he has a bag of candy. It’s actually a dog and a cat.

The precinct is busy when Nick. Kate and Carl arrive. Johnathan says most of the reports are Type 3, dismissed as Halloween pranks, but Chicago PD reported four bodies lifted from a local cemetery. College students were arrested at the scene. Kate reads that they claimed the bodies crawled out of the graves themselves. Page says the walking dead is new even for him. Johnathan doesn’t know of any links that can do it. The captain says they will wait for the next crisis. Kate thinks she’s found it; the missing are Paul Wayne Tilden, Jared Steck, Jesse James and Al Capone. Four of the nastiest criminals buried within the city limits.

The four are in a church with new clothes; Steck is wondering what happened, as he thinks they’re all dead. Someone enters the church and says he’s spent millennia gathering information. They haven’t missed much. And when God is mentioned, he says they’re amateurs compared to God. This isn’t Heaven or Hell; it’s the world they left. They have a second chance; as long as they follow his orders without question, he will give them the gift that keeps on giving. Life. Jesse James challenges the man who removes his hood. His face seems to be fixed onto the front of his head. Whoever this is doesn’t appreciate being challenged and makes Jesse dead again. He tells the surviving three to get dressed; they’re going to a party.

Johnathan has found a reference to a link rumoured to have the power to resurrect the dead. He’s never been sighted and it isn’t clear if he ever existed or is just a legend. He’s called the King of the Links. Kate thinks the links are too ungovernable. Johnathan agrees, but according to the legend, when the links split from humanity, one was closer to human than the others. He tried to rule the links, and was partly successful until his fall from grace about 5,000 years ago. Some of the legends overlap with the Devil. Carl was told stories about him. The King is basically nameless; whoever knows his name controls him. They haven’t got much. Carl knows what they can do. Hope this isn’t the King.

There’s a costume party at the museum and Tilden and Steck get in because the guard admires the job they did with their costumes. Tilden will try to return the favour. Capone comes him and the guard warns him about his replica Tommygun. Which is real. The guard shoots Capone, which does no good, and Capone shoots the gun out of the guard’s hand. The King triggers the alarm and doesn’t want any hostages killed. Yet. Take them downstairs. When the phone rings. the King tells the guard to answer it. The hostages are dead if he doesn’t get what he wants. And there’s one person he wants to speak to. Nick.

Nick, Kate and Alice arrive and are filled in. Nick and Kate get in the surveillance vehicle and are shown feeds from the museum. The plans also show an old bootlegger tunnel that they can use to get to the hostages. Nick is given a phone to call the King of the Links. After some verbal sparring, the King says Nick has something that belongs to the King. A black orb attached to a stem. He acquired it on the 5th of June 2 years ago. If the King doesn’t have it in 30 minutes, he will kill a hostage, and continue doing so until he gets it back. Or runs out of hostages.

The black orb was brought in by Nick’s old partner the day she died. Johnathan has no clue what it does or is. Nick doesn’t know what Julie was doing when she found it.

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