Space: 1999 – Space Warp

“Space Warp” is episode fourteen of season two of Space: 1999.

Commander Koenig and Tony are taking Eagle 1 to investigate a derelict spaceship. Dr Russell wonders if it’s connected to the high fever of unknown origin that Maya has, which is resisting treatment.

Maya is in medical, babbling because of bad dreams and Mentor and Psychon. When she comes around, she asks for Tony. Dr Russell contacts Alan, who contacts Eagle 1 for an ETA. The commander is saying that this will be after they board the derelict when Alpha is hit by something. Eagle 1 sees the Moon engulfed in light and the Moon rapidly recede until it disappears.

In the Command Centre, Sandra can’t locate Eagle 1. She tells Alan that Alpha itself has moved 5 lightyears. Alan says it must have been a space warp. There’s no chance the commander can get back. Unless he finds a window in the space warp, according to Sandra. Alan dispatches a refuelling Eagle; if Eagle 1 gets through, they’re going to need to refuel to get back.

In Eagle 1, they’ve realised it’s a space warp. They don’t have enough fuel, or even a direction to set off in.

Maya is screaming and nearly changes shape. She knows what’s happening and is losing control. She tells Dr Russell that she needs to be put in restraints, as well as the sedative. Afterwards, the doctor contacts Alan about when Eagle 1 will be back. He explains what happened.

Eagle 1 is approaching where the Moon disappeared to look for the space warp.

The doctor arrives at the Command Centre. She asks what chance Eagle 1 has of making it back. Alan tells her it’s down to luck.

In medical, this time Maya does transform and breaks free of her restraints. Dr Russell enters, tries talking her down and then calling security, but Maya throws her across the room, knocking the doctor unconscious. Maya breaks out and attacks two people, one of whom calls it in to Alan that there’s a dangerous monster on the loose, not knowing it’s Maya. Alan tells security to be on the look out and to shoot to kill.

Security tracks Maya to a lift and Alan checks the camera inside and calls security to be ready on different floors. Ben finds Dr Russell unconscious. She comes around and explains Maya. He explains that Alan has ordered she be killed. The doctor contacts Alan and tells him it’s Maya. He tells the security personnel to use stun. Which just irritates the monster.

Eagle 1 can’t find the space warp. They head to the derelict to see if there’s any fuel on it.

Alan has security teams following Maya as the doctors are making tranquiliser darts, guessing the amount needed. Alan is told that Maya is getting in a travel tube; Dr Russell believes she’s going to get an Eagle hand head to Psychon to save her father, going by her delirious babblings. They confront Maya at the entrance to the travel tube, and the doctor tries talking her down. This doesn’t work and Alan shoots her with the dart. She still gets into the tube and, when Alan has the power cut, breaks out, gets through launch control and gets into an Eagle.

Alan is able to lower the Eagle underground, but when it’s taken into the hanger, Maya tries talking off, causing quite a bit of a mess as she does and injuring herself. In a body that they have no idea how to cure.

Maya keeps transforming into creatures that the others can’t control and Eagle 1 is still trying to find a way back.

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