Space: 1999 – One Moment of Humanity

“One Moment of Humanity” is episode four of season two of Space: 1999.

Maya and Dr Russell are trying on dresses for a party that is apparently being held tomorrow when an alarm sounds. Everyone rushes to the Command Centre where a malfunction with the main electronics is reported. Everyone freezes, then a green ball of light appears, which changes into a woman. She looks at everyone, dwelling on Dr Russell and Tony who are currently holding each other, then the commander comes out of it. The woman says the others will be alright as everyone unfreezes.

Commander Koenig asks who she is and where she’s from. Zamara, from Vega; their small world has entered Vega’s sphere of influence. The commander says they are there by accident and are not hostile. Zamara accepts this. However, Koenig needs life support. Zamara will allow minimum life support but needs two people to return with her. They have no choice. The commander and Alan volunteer, but Zamara wants the doctor and Tony, freezing the commander when he tries protesting. Dr Russell and Tony vanish, and Zamara restores communications.

Dr Russell and Tony arrive on a planet; she’s startled by what looks to be a robot. A man introduces himself as Zarl and Zamara says that outside there are sub-zero temperatures and the atmosphere is too thin. On Alpha, they are unable to contact the other two and are worried what else Zamara has lied about.

The two on Vega are brought refreshments and the robot bringing them whispers to Dr Russell not to react the way expected. She thanks him and is told by Zarl that the Numbers don’t need thanking. They’re automatons. Number Eight whispers that if Dr Russell shows aggression, they will be killed. She tries the food, which looks to be awful, and Zamara insults her. Tony tries it and Zarl insults him, but the doctor manages to stop him from reacting violently.

Alpha is trying to get more warmth and power.

Tony and Dr Russell are show to quarters. Tony tries to contact Alpha, but can’t. The doctor explains what Number Eight told her. They need to find Eight. Tony blasts the door open and they follow a Number to where there are more of them. They ask about Eight and that Number appears. Then removes his mask, revealing he’s human. They are not androids; the others are.

Eight explains they built the first robots, linked to a computer. The computer built more advanced robots which then built more sophisticated computers and this continued until the robots evolved into human form. They learned from the humans, who are masked so they don’t show strong emotion. The robots can’t rip of the masks, because they can’t employ violence. They’ve never seen it. They want to kill the humans, but can’t, because they’ve never seen the emotions of anger and aggression. That’s what they want from Dr Russell and Tony. The humans are a threat, because as long as they live, they might reach the master computer. If the robots see violence, they will kill them all.

Which gives them a problem. They need to defeat an enemy who wants them to strike back, to use violence, because as soon as that happens, the robots win. And the robots aren’t that bothered how they provoke the violence. Against them, or human against human.

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