Space: 1999 – Another Time, Another Place

“Another Time, Another Place” is episode sixteen of season one of Space: 1999.

The Moon is heading into a sparkling cloud and is being affected by gravity changes. Velocity is increasing and instruments are malfunctioning. A woman runs and Dr Russell grabs her. The Moon becomes two Moons, and everyone but the woman becomes two people.

People start to come around after being knocked unconscious. Except for the woman, Regina. The commander asks Victor what happened. He has no idea. But they are not where they were.

In medical, Regina is still unconscious and the doctor tells Koenig she isn’t responding to treatment. The commander says they all experienced the same thing and everyone else recovered. According to the doctor, Regina is getting worse.

In Main Mission, it seems they have entered another solar system. In medical, Regina comes around and says that there were two Moons. It must have been a dream. Because Alan, Commander Koenig, they were dead. The doctor reassures Regina that they are not dead. Regina looks around and comments on the Sun being hot today. Dr Russell sees peeling skin on Regina’s hand and asks to be told about the Sun.

Dr Russell shows Victor and the commander Regina; she actually has sunburn. She believes she’s living on a planet and that life is real for her. She’s also in mourning, because Koenig and Alan are dead. Victor says they travelled faster than light. Regina may be experiencing her past. Or her future. David enters with something for the commander and they enter Main Mission. The solar system they entered has nine planets. Koenig asks for details on the third planet from computer. It’s Earth. And the Moon is heading into orbit.

Paul is trying to contact Earth with no response; Alan wants to take an Eagle down. The commander is talking to Victor in his office. Victor says they don’t know what might have happened to Earth since they lift. Paul contacts Koenig; no response from Earth. The commander tells him to keep trying. Koenig can believe an unknown force propelled them across space. But to be put into Earth orbit; that’s more than chance. Victor says there has to be logic.

Dr Russell is with Regina, who says she’s getting better now he’s back. Alan. Her husband. And the commander. They’ve been away for so long. Why were they away? She wants to see Alan. Dr Russell agrees. Alan is trying to get Koenig to let him take an Eagle to Earth, but the commander wants him to wait until they achieve orbit. Dr Russell contacts Alan and asks him to come to medical.

When Alan gets to medical, Regina, who was painting, runs and hugs him. Then starts saying he’s dead. Dr Russell sedates her, then explains what’s going on to Alan. Regina was painting her world.

Earth still hasn’t responded and Sandra reports no signals. Victor says it’s undergone major geological changes. The commander broadcasts to everyone what’s happening and their plans for Exodus. Regina is sleeping. She wakes and sees a hooded figure. Her. The figure gets a skull’s head. She smashes a mirror, then attacks the figure. Which, outside her vision, is actually Dr Mathias. Regina runs off, attacks someone else and takes his weapon.

The Moon enters Earth’s orbit. Regina is seeing double; the doctor later says she had two brains. Earth is seriously different, and largely uninhabitable, and may well be uninhabited. Then a second, identical but evacuated, Moon is discovered in Earth orbit. And then things really get strange.

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