Sanctuary – Wingman

“Wingman” is episode fifteen of season three of Sanctuary.

Henry is going out on a date with Erika, one of the other werewolves (sorry, hyper-accelerated proteans) he met in “Animus”. She’s been staying at the Sanctuary for a week and is flying back the next day. Will, too, is going on a date with Abby Corrigan – hopefully it will go better than the one in “One Night” where they were both abducted. However, both Henry and Will have used Magnus’ name to book the back room at Alfredo’s, the restaurant that Will and Abby were going to when they were abducted. And there’s only one table in the back room. Neither Will nor Henry want to back down and concede – but Henry has a ring on him, which is why he wants the back room. Then Henry says ‘if all goes as planned tonight…’ Which he probably shouldn’t have. Will points out that Henry is acting a little fast, as it’s only been a week and a half for them. At which point Abby and Erika come over with a compromise – they are going to share the back room. A double date in other words.

Before they leave, Magnus comes over and asks the four of them to do her a favour and pick up a crate and drop it off at the docks that contains an Abnormal, a lepidoptera hominid, that is in a cryochamber. Magnus says that it will only take half an hour. She probably shouldn’t have said that. Magnus is busy doing something else which neither Henry nor Will wants to do instead.

When they arrive to get the crate, the first thing goes wrong. The cryochamber broke down so they are no longer picking up a small crate, but a large one. Because it’s got a refrigerator in it – a makeshift replacement for the cryochamber. And the larva grew a bit.

Then the crate springs a leak and gas comes out and Abby falls unconscious as a result. The gas is from the lepidoptera, and releasing gas means that it is no longer a larva. At which point the doors of the van burst out, the lepidoptera flies out and then dives down through an open manhole. According to Magnus, it’s around half an hour until the lepidoptera becomes fully grown and its wings become fully developed. At which point there will be civilian reports of a mothman.

This double date is not going to go to plan. Will also says that, compared to what they normally deal with, this guy is a pussycat. Which is also probably a bad thing to say.

There are more than a few clips from other episodes in this one, which are used to illustrate various claims.

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