Sanctuary – Kali: Part I

“Kali: Part I” is episode twelve of season two of Sanctuary.

This episode opens in Mumbai with a man and an elderly woman running through the streets. There are men chasing them, but their pursuers are not that near. The couple stop and the man tells the woman to go. He stays, and opens up a secret compartment in a shrine to Durga, revealing a statue. Then the man opens his mouth and a spider climbs out, causing some sort of energy pulse, and enters the statue. The man then closes the secret compartment.

His pursuers catch up with him, and their leader says that the man is already dead, as he dies after the insect leaves, and that the man had carried it for a long time. The leader then commends the man for sacrificing himself for his god – but even though he’s dying, still has one of his men shoot the former host as they go looking for the old woman.

Magnus and Will are in Tokyo. Apparently a giant lizard called Suki suddenly started acting crazy and escaped, causing havoc in the streets of Tokyo. Having a giant lizard running through Tokyo leads Will to make some pretty obvious comparisons (Tokyo has had that happen many times in films after all). Magnus wants this cleaning up as quickly as possible (the cinematic history helps here) as she’s being pressured by the new head of house in New York. Next, there’s footage from London, where a pterodactyl went crazy and escaped.

A number of Abnormals at Sanctuaries around the world suddenly went crazy with fear and escaped, and a giant sand ray has surfaced and died in the Egyptian desert. These are thought to be connected. The head of the Mumbai Sanctuary says that the police have found a body – the man from earlier — bearing the mark of Kali, revealing him to perhaps be connected to the Cult of Kali, a five thousand year old organisation.

Kate and Will head to Mumbai and they quickly find the statue in the hidden compartment of the shrine. What they do not immediately find is the spider. That enters Will through his mouth whilst he is asleep that night. The next day he feels dreadful, and it’s discovered that the spider’s former host (not that they know that yet) was completely human – and much, much older than a normal human should be. Whilst out, Will starts seeing things and then the old woman finds him. With Will missing, Magnus flies out to Mumbai, and the leader of the men from earlier is not happy about that.

The story continues in “Kali: Part II”.

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