Sanctuary – Homecoming

“Homecoming” is episode six of season four of Sanctuary.

The episode opens in Monrovia, Liberia. There is trouble on the streets, property damage and armed soldiers wandering around. Will is watching this with Yusuf, the local Sanctuary head. When Will landed, everything was fine, but by the time he got into town, the situation had deteriorated drastically.

According to Yusuf, it was protests over the recent elections. Yusuf also says it has made running the Sanctuary more difficult as, after the events of “Untouchable”, they no longer have official government support and are having to make deals with unsavoury characters to keep afloat.

This is the reason why Will is in town. He is bringing some cash – because that is untraceable – to help bribe necessary officials and keep going. Whilst will is heading back on a scooter, he stops to help a man with a broken down car. At which point Will is struck over the head with a chunk of rock, knocked unconscious and robbed.

When Yusuf finds Will, the latter is coming too – but he cannot see. Yusuf thinks it is detached retinas, and takes Will to a room to rest , self-medicate and not move. Yusuf himself has to look after his family, so Will is left alone for some time. During which time he remembers various events with his estranged father, starting with a young Will a year after his mother’s death, as their relationship deteriorates.

At the Sanctuary, Bigfoot and Henry are discussing what they have got Will for his upcoming birthday. As they go to see Magnus, the perimeter alarm goes off on the roof. When they arrive there, two winged Abnormals are landing, the woman quite badly. The man, Bruno Delacourt, Magnus knows – as essentially a conman and scam artist.

The woman, Sheila, has an injured wing, which is why they have come to the Sanctuary. Bruno and Sheila are clearly a couple, of the argumentative type, leading Bigfoot to make a comment about why he is still single.

When Magnus examines Sheila, the injury, stated to have come from a high tension line, does not appear to have been caused that way. Instead, it looks deliberate. And it probably was, as Bruno is discovered trying to break into the armoury.

Bruno says a cargo of red list Abnormals are being brought in to be sold on the black market, and he wanted the weapons to help free them. Which Magnus considers to be very out of character. The cargo does exist, and Henry and Magnus rescue the Abnormals. At which point Bruno takes some diamonds from the shipment.

According to Bruno’s complicated plan, he needs the diamonds to buy a shipment of arms. Which he then needs to sell to double his money. All so he can help some orphans. This is very out of character for Bruno and he is clearly up to something. Magnus definitely doesn’t trust him but, after several even less trustworthy actions, she feels that there may be an element of truth in his story. So Magnus has to work with Bruno, to a degree.

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