Mutant X – Conspiracy Theory

“Conspiracy Theory” is episode twelve of season three of Mutant X.

A man is photographing a plane crash where people in hazmat suits are carting away bodies, guarded by men in suits with guns. Brennan and Shalimar are heading to the crash site as well. They have the frequency for its black box, which Brennan says isn’t listed on any military or commercial records. Lexa’s Dominion contacts have said this is a major threat. The photographer is spotted by the guards, who open fire. Brennan and Shalimar join him and Brennan zaps a couple of guards. The others all bundle into vehicles and one destroys the wreckage with a grenade launcher. The photographer says this is the real thing. Aliens.

The man says this is how the men in black do it. He shows Brennan and Shalimar a photo of a silver-clad figure being removed. Shalimar is not impressed. The photographer says the government has been working with the aliens for years; a conspiracy involving organised crime, the church and the cast of Friends. Brennan spins a story that the photographer thinks means he was abducted by aliens. They want to know more. The photographer introduces himself; Eddie Boyle.

Shalimar thinks this is funny. Brennan thinks Eddie knows something. Jesse joins in; Eddie got there before they did so he must know something. Lexa says that something is going down tomorrow night. Yes, they are to stay with Eddie. Who gives Shalimar and Brennan foil-lined baseball caps. Jesse goes to find Lexa, who was a bit off.

The two vehicles that left the crash site arrive somewhere. A man is told that three people were there. He wants the source finding and closing.

Eddie takes Brennan and Shalimar to his command centre. The aliens are already here. They can look and sound like us but mostly live on a diet of cow’s blood and battery acid. And want to mate with Earth women. Eddie explains that, four years ago, he was a respected journalist. He was covering an explosion at a gene research company when he took a photo of someone fighting the company’s security. With lightning coming out of his hands. Eddie thinks it’s an alien. Though the face is hidden, it’s clearly Brennan, fighting Genomex in “I Scream the Body Electric”. Brennan seems to want to tell Eddie the truth, but Shalimar dissuades him.

Lexa speaks to her Dominion contact. She’s reassessing her future with Mutant X. She came here to find her brother. He died, in “Brother’s Keeper”, so she has no more reason to stay.

Eddie is showing Brennan and Shalimar his wall of crazy. The whole conspiracy contacts to one man. Adam Kane. He’s been off the radar for a while but word is he’s still out there in the shadows. Is Adam still alive? And is he a good guy or a bad guy? Shalimar wants to know how Eddie found out about the crash. A buddy of his, Leon. Eddie agrees to take them. They arrive at Eddie’s friend’s trailer. He’s dead. Shalimar hears a helicopter coming in and a gunship riddles their car and the trailer with bullets.

According to Eddie, Leon kept the information on his computer. Which is now rather bullet-riddled. However, he kept a backup hard drive in a floor safe. Their car is trashed so Eddie says they can take Leon’s. Back at Eddie’s, Brennan contacts Jesse. Jesse wants Leon distracting so he can be linked to the hard drive. Brennan speaks to Eddie as Shalimar links the drive to the modem.

Eddie suggests they go see someone else, the king of conspiracy theories. He, Silver, is in a retirement home. Brennan asks Silver about his last chat with Leon. Leon had apparently been in contact with someone at Area 12. Like Area 51, but in the northeast. The army has a couple of alien ships. Silver has seen the aliens for himself.

Jesse contacts Brennan, who excuses himself. Silver seems to hit on Shalimar once Brennan leaves. Jesse has found out that Leon was talking to someone in the government. Brennan suggests looking for them at Area 12.

Shalimar thinks Brennan feels guilty because Eddie lost anything, but doesn’t want him to make mistakes because of it. Though Eddie believes a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense, he also knows some stuff that is true. Lexa is struggling to decide where she fits in.

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