Marvel’s Inhumans

Marvel’s Inhumans was a short-lived entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It centres around a community of Inhumans – Inhumans were first introduced in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – who live in a hidden city on the Moon called Attilan. Unlike the Inhumans who were created after the release of terrigen crystals in Earth’s oceans following the events of “S.O.S.: Part 2”, these Inhumans have dwelled on the Moon for a very long time after they had to leave the Earth. They are not humans who have become Inhuman, but are Inhuman from birth, their powers activated during a terrigenesis ceremony.

The series follows the events after Maximus, the human, not Inhuman, brother of the king of Attilan, Black Bolt, stages a coup, as a result of which the royal family of Attilian has to flee to Earth. Maximus had made himself popular with the normal citizens of Attilan, even though he truthfully seemed to have only his own interests at heart. The Inhumans on earth had to survive in an environment in which those affected by the recent terrigenesis were often hunted down. They found both friends and enemies, sometimes surprising ones either way. Most of the series was set on either the Moon or Hawaii.

Many of the characters were less than enthralling and seemed far too one-dimensional, especially Maximus. Given that Black Bolt’s power was his destructive voice, that meant the actor playing Black Bolt spent almost the entire series whilst never saying a single word – perhaps not the easiest thing to do.

The series did not go down well and is perhaps the only true failure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at this point. It was cancelled after the first season. Fortunately, the season did not end on a cliff-hanger, but a new plot thread was briefly mentioned and introduced during the final episode. Given that Marvel’s Inhumans is part of the MCU, it is possible that the Inhumans, and this thread, might crop up later in another series, with Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. perhaps the most likely candidate.

Season 1

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