Manifest – Upgrade

“Upgrade” is episode fourteen of season one of Manifest.

Michaela and Zeke arrive back at her apartment and she convinces him to stay as he has nowhere else to go. Especially as she thinks the petrograph they found in the previous episode, “Cleared for Approach”, makes her think the calling wants them to accomplish something together. She also tells him to keep a low profile because of the military types and those who are concerned about the people on the plane. Meanwhile, one of the passengers, Adrian, has set up a Church of the Returned and is claiming that he and his fellow passengers were returned to make a difference.

Ben is looking at a photo of the petrograph when Olive joins him; he says there and many that are hundreds of years old in the area and no-one knows who made them. Michaela calls Ben; he tells her Saanvi is doing research on Zeke. This isn’t just about the flight any longer.

Lourdes is with Jared; it seems she can sense something is wrong.

Zeke is on Michaela’s couch when he hears scratching. He goes to the door and a wolf leaps at him. Ben and Grace are in bed when they hear Cal cry out. He’s on his bedroom floor and says it’s coming.

An Alice Ciccone finds Saanvi in her office; she wants Saanvi to take a look at her husband. Saanvi ends up agreeing.

Michaela and Zeke are at Ben’s and tell him about the wolf. He tells them about Cal. Cal is asleep now and Michaela has to go to work. Zeke will stay. At work, the captain wants a detective down at the river where the getaway vehicle for the armoured car heist hasn’t been found yet. There’s $75 million in it.

Ben, Grace and Zeke try to talk to Cal, but he doesn’t want to talk about the calling. Ben tells Zeke that isn’t normal. Ben has been trying to contact Saanvi, but she isn’t responding. Grace tells him to go check.

Saanvi is with Alice and her husband, Jacob. She tells Alice there’s nothing that can be done. Only Alice believes Saanvi can help because she’s a Returned and ends up hitting Saanvi and pulling a gun on her, telling her to cure Jacob.

Ben heads to Saanvi’s office and he finds a leaflet for the Church of the Returned with Saanvi’s details scribbled ion it.

Grace talks to Zeke and suggests he reach out to his family. She shows him Cal’s sketches; her son risked his life to safe Zeke.

Ben heads to Adrian’s church; the latter says this is his calling, to bring hope into the world. Ben sees a prayer on the board with the same handwriting as on the leaflet.

Saanvi is hostage to someone who is convinced she has powers to cure her husband’s cancer; her husband doesn’t believe the same. Adrian’s church could be a danger. Plus, there’s a reason Cal doesn’t want to discuss Zeke’s calling.

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