Krypton – Zods and Monsters

“Zods and Monsters” is seven of season two of Krypton.

At the end of the previous episode, “In Zod We Trust”, Zod went after Doomsday. This episode opens with him addressing the populace, as well as taking down Doomsday. Who he exhibits to the people watching. Zod says that Doomsday has been brought to heel. As will the terrorists on Wegthor. Their first fleet of spacefaring ships is complete. To applause, Zod says that it’s time for Krypton to take its rightful place in the universe. Not as the conquered. But as conquerors.

Seg, Nyssa and Cor are in a skimmer. Nyssa says she’s there when Seg wants to talk about Nyssa. Then asks where they are going. Brainiac thinks that’s an excellent question. Seg says her can’t go into that. Nyssa realises that this is because Brainiac will hear him. Brainiac says not just hear, and Seg realises that Brainiac knows. The only way for everyone to be safe is to remove Brainiac. They can’t go near Brainiac’s starship. If Brainiac reconnects with his quantum consciousness, he will be too powerful. Brainiac manages to interfere and Seg tells Nyssa they’re going to the Fortress. She will get them there.

Adam is talking to Val on Wegthor. Still no contact from Seg. Or Krypton, since the elevator base station was destroyed. Kem is leading a mission – Val points out all the ways Adam isn’t qualified to lead it. Adam wants to go. Ask Kem. Kem agrees readily. Because it’s proven difficult to get a squad together. They’re going after the Sagitari located in the tunnels in “A Better Yesterday”. They’ve moved. If Kem is recruiting everyone the way he does Adam, it’s not surprising he’s had difficulty getting people.

Zod is examining Doomsday with Lis-Ser, talking about what they need to somatically recondition him. 1,000 cycles ago, a soldier, Dax, is telling a woman that the war is getting closer and won’t end until someone does something. Why him? Because he’s the only soldier with the right mutation. Shew wants to know what to tell their daughter. Wedna-El enters and says that she can say that Dax ended civil war. The woman, Enaj, wants Dax to end the war and come home. He promises.

Van-Zod and Wedna tell Dax he is a hero, but they need to make him more than that. His body will be exposed to everything lethal, until Dax is immune to it. Which basically means killing Dax, then bringing him back, over and over and over again, each time him getting less vulnerable to harm. A process Van is more uncomfortable with than Wedna.

When Seg and Nyssa arrive at the Fortress, the computer Val asks what they need. Brainiac removing from Seg. After a scan, Val says this will be more complicated than calculated. Brainiac’s nanites are in a cluster on Seg’s brainstem. Seg thinks that’s a logical place for someone called Brainiac. Val starts a process, but Brainiac controls Seg’s body to stop it. Seg needs restraining and Val says this will need doing manually. Nyssa takes a moment, then realises what this means. It will need someone to physically do the extraction. Seg is restrained; Val is not physical. That leaves her. She has no experience; Val says that will make it more challenging. Seg tries to reassure her. Then goes into detail about the things she’s already achieved.

Adam is impressed with how Kem has changed. Six months ago, he was running a bar. And not a very good one. Adam needs to work on his complements.

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