“A High Bar” is episode two of season one of Harley Quinn.
Bane is talking to Scarecrow over coffee, asking if he’s heard that Harley Quinn has split with the Joker. Which she did, in the previous episode, “‘Til Death Do Us Part”, after Poison Ivy made Harley realise that Joker was most fond of the Batman. Harley also changed her wardrobe and destroyed the Joker’s lair. Joker arrives and claims that he dumped Harley. He doesn’t even care. He wishes her well. Unlikely to be true.
Harley is at Ivy’s; they are about to watch Howie Mandel. When the Joker gate-crashes the show. He’s wired Howie up to some explosives. It seems Howie made a comment about JoQuinn being no more and he apologises. The Joker says their couple name was Joker anyway. Then sets off the timer on the explosives.
Harley is upset and smashes the television. Ivy tells her that’s why she doesn’t put the good one out. Frank didn’t know they had a good television. Harley checks the Joker’s calendar and finds there’s a party for the Legion of Doom at Gotham Mint. She’s going to crash it to show how awesome she’s doing. Ivy can come, with some of her love potion. Ivy corrects her; it’s pheromones that makes men fall in love with her, turns them into plants and kills them. Ivy still gets pressured into going.
Gotham Mint has a sign outside welcoming the Legion of Doom when Harley arrives with Ivy and a tiger. Then notices that it’s a bar mitzvah. Ivy asks if Harley knew it was for children. She does now. It’s for the Penguin’s nephew. Ivy thinks they should leave. Harley does not. Ivy doesn’t want to be left alone because some D-list villain will hit on her. Then realises she’s alone. Then gets hit on by Kite Man.
The Joker is talking to his contractors about rebuilding his lair when Bane calls and lets him know Harley is at the bar mitzvah. She’s chatting to Two Face, Scarecrow and Bane when Joker arrives. Harley ends up leaving his table and sitting with the kids.
Kite Man is trying to talk Ivy into doing a heist with him. She isn’t impressed. Harley says that Kite Man is stupid. He asks if Ivy thinks he’s stupid. Ivy asks if he doesn’t. Harley is going on one and decides she’s going to do something the Legion can’t. Rob the Gotham Mint. Ivy tells her it’s impenetrable; they’re so confident they rented out the atrium to the Legion of Doom. Harley has left her alone again. And the kids start hitting on Ivy. Because Kite Man has dosed them with Ivy’s ‘love potion.’ He didn’t realise it was fatal.
Harley’s attempt to rob the mint doesn’t go that well. It also goes really badly for the guards. Ivy is still having problems with Kite Man. Harley really wants to be taken seriously. She’s generally not having a lot of luck.