Fringe – Making Angels

“Making Angels” is episode eleven of season four of Fringe.

A man is being told by his doctor that he has cancer, but in 95% of the cases it’s treatable. He’s later sitting at a bus stop when another man comes up to him and talks about how he’s one of the 5%. When the bus leaves, the second man is gone and the first is dead.

AltAstrid comes across from the other side. Fauxlivia and AltLincoln are called to meet AltBroyles, who explains that AltAstrid has crossed over. She gave herself clearance. AltBroyles doesn’t know what she’s doing and she’s off the grid. He’s going to send a team, but Fauxlivia says that she has a hunch where AltAstrid has gone and will go get her.

Walter and Peter are working in the lab; Walter is complaining because Peter doesn’t let him eat as much as Lincoln. AltAstrid arrives as Peter steps out. Walter calls her by the wrong name and she corrects him. Walter realises she’s not Astrid.

Olivia and Astrid arrive at the lab and Peter returns when Astrid gives a small scream on seeing her double. Olivia asks AltAstrid why she’s there. To meet her double. She came here but didn’t know where to go after. By the sounds of it, AltAstrid has just been to a funeral. AltAstrid asks Astrid if she loved him. Olivia asks what’s going on. Astrid says she thinks AltAstrid’s father is dead. Olivia gets a call; they have a case and her double is on the way. Walter will remain with AltAstrid.

The dead man at the bus stop has bloody tears on his face. Walter knows of a legendary chemical mixture called the Tears of Ra. The body is being taken away when an Observer steps through a window, uses his communicator to say he thinks they have located it, then steps back.

At the lab, Walter says that the compounds in the dead man shouldn’t interact but they do. He’s been killed by a chemical no-one has invented. Fauxlivia arrives at this point. AltAstrid says deus ex machina. A person would have had to see that the chemicals have already been combined in order to combine them. It’s outside the realm of causality.

A woman buys a bottle of vodka. She then throws it away. The man from earlier approaches her, and says she’s putting up a good fight, but it won’t work. He tells her how she’s going to fail, and how others will suffer, then sprays her.

Walter is giving Fauxlivia her things back, making it clear he’s not happy with her. AltAstrid tells Walter that his Astrid is at the scene. Peter and Olivia are with the second victim; he’s getting a DNA sample and thinks the woman was sprayed with someone.

Back at the lab, Walter is being abrupt with Peter. AltAstrid asks him why. He explains. She suggests his anger is because he loves Peter, and proposes that Walter just loves Peter and be happy as if Peter was his son.

The killer seems to be killing people whose lives were going to end, and not pleasantly. Mercy kills. He also seems to be doing it with Observer technology, meaning that the Observers have more of a role than normal.

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