First Wave – The Purge

“The Purge” is episode eight of season two of First Wave.

A limo is arriving at a secure compound. Inside, a man is saying that each calendar year they assess the findings and promote the interaction of all three Gua divisions; Acolytes, Empiricists and Osmocists; Joshua is amongst them. He’s talking to representatives of all three groups. Behind him are banners with a red symbol in a white circle on a black background. The speaker is telling them how good everything is as another Gua gets out of the limo. They salute holding their right arm out straight with clenched fist. The symbolism could only be more obvious if the red and black colours in the flags were swapped and the hand was palm open, not clenched.

The speaker is introducing the second in command to the Guahead himself, the Minister. The Minister, the man from the car, is hailed. Then the Minister kills the speaker and says they are dark days. His visit will mean death to anyone who hinders their enslavement of the planet.

After, another Gua, Gregory, tells the Minister that he agrees with his action; the speaker, Karl, was inadequate. When Gregory is asked why he took no action of his own, he replies that he’s the head of the Acolytes. He does military operations and doesn’t make decisions outside his jurisdiction. The Minister wants Gregory to assess the results within his jurisdiction. The best of all three divisions and in his opinion, they are ready to launch a full-scale attack. It seems this opinion has made its way to others and the Minister asks if Gregory doubts the Guahead’s wisdom in caution before launch. Of course not. So, it would be wrong to call him a traitor then? Gregory claims unswerving devotion. When it comes to the Minster’s security, the Minister wants a new Gua in charge: Joshua.

The Minster speaks to Joshua; he wants to know why Joshua recommended against attack in “The Decision”. Joshua doesn’t believe the exploratory work is done. Yes, they may have spent decades, but they live a thousand years, so what’s a few decades? He doesn’t believe they have got the full measure of the humans. The first Guahead said if you don’t understand the enemy, you leave yourself blind. Does Joshua question the current Guahead and their ability to defeat a human army? He does. That doesn’t mean he’s a human sympathiser. The political situation back home is a minefield and the Minister is planning a purge. Joshua doesn’t think this is necessary; the Minister does. The human sympathisers and those who criticise strategy will be rooted out, then Joshua will kill them.

Trent of the Empiricist division is telling the Minister that humans are driven by lust, greed and personal self-aggrandisement. The weak are subjected by the strong. In due time, humanity would likely collapse of its own accord. They are going to help it along. The Minister says that Trent’s findings contradict his earlier work. Trent states the earlier test results where unreliable. The Minister doesn’t believe Trent and goes for him, until Joshua reminds him that the Minister said they would carefully evaluate things first.

Alicia, the Osmocist, is showing the Minister a male and female husk. These two have more of their own DNA; they are trying that as they get closer to invasion. They will only be used in certain circumstances, as the DNA is detectable. They have greater mobility and strength and are capable of unusual feats of physical prowess.

The Minister heads to his chambers to read the division reports. Joshua is assigning two guards outside. The Minister wants a preliminary list of undesirables, so that they can start executions. The Minister appears to be enjoying the thought of executions too much.

Trent speaks to Joshua; everyone is scared. He knows what’s going on; there’s trouble back home. There have been 18 Guaheads since the first and the current is by far the worst. He is going to sacrifice a few to prove he is in control. Joshua warns Trent; it seems they are old friends. Why did Trent’s finding change? Trent was first enamoured of humans. Over time, that wore off. They deserve to be conquered.

The Minister is in his quarters and a female husk is dancing provocatively for him. Joshua hears over the radio that the Minister doesn’t want to be disturbed, and heads out. The two guards outside the Minister’s quarters are concentrating more on what’s happening within than without, and the male husk Alicia showed the Minister kills them. It enters and kills the woman, but Joshua arrives before the husk can kill the Minister. The husk dodges bullets then disappears into an air vent.

The Minister wants Joshua to find out who tried to kill him. They downloaded themselves from their current husk into the male one, then back. The male husk had to be hidden, as it doesn’t have the self-destruct mechanism. There are cracks appearing within the Gua structure, as paranoia and distaste for actions of the rulers are starting to wear away at loyalties.

Neither Cade nor Eddie appear in this episode; Joshua is the main focus.

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