Batwoman – Take Your Choice

“Take Your Choice” is episode twelve of season one of Batwoman.

Sophie and Kane are showing a photo of Mouse’s mask to Dr. Ethan Campbell. They are telling him that the mask has the DNA of dozens of individuals, all dead. Alice robbed morgues, stealing skin to help Mouse make the mask, impersonate Kane and kill Catherine. They could really use his testimony. Mouse was captured in the previous episode, “An Un-Birthday Present”, and is currently on 24 watch in hospital. Campbell wants to meet Mouse and run some tests. If Campbell is convinced, he’ll sign an affidavit testifying that Kane is an innocent man and was framed. Afterwards, Sophie is concerned about Alice, who escaped. Kane tells her to ensure people know she’s a force to be reckoned with, she needs to eliminate the threat at any cost. Which results in the Crows busting down doors with a shoot to kill order if they see Alice.

Beth is in a car with Mary and Luke. They are trying to get her out of Gotham, because of the Crows. Beth is bleeding from the ear, now; she, and Alice, are both suffering from painful headaches. They are approaching a new checkpoint and Mary suggests a bunch of lies, then decides to use the ‘my dad’s your boss’ line on the Crows. This is working, until Beth makes a sound from the pain. Both Luke and Mary are ordered out of the car, but Kate, as Batwoman, drives past on her bike and ties up all the Crows. Elsewhere, Alice kills another Crow.

Kate turns up at Wayne Tower; Mary hasn’t figured out what’s wrong with Beth yet. She looks at Beth’s cells under a microscope and says they are disintegrating at a molecular level. Beth takes a look, and they speculate that Alice has a headache too. The universes were separated for a reason and, with the collapse of the multiverse, the universe is literally not big enough for Beth and Alice. They will both die eventually. Eventually, according to Alice, is about 7 hours away. No pressure.

The Crows will kill Beth if she’s taken to a hospital in Gotham. So, they need to get her one outside the city. Kate is going to speak to Sophie. Luke asks what she’s going to say. Kate doesn’t know. Luke suggests that she tell Sophie about Crisis, and that Sophie can ask Supergirl and the Flash for confirmation. And Kate definitely isn’t Batwoman. Alice has turned up at the hospital where Mouse is, dressed as a Crow. She’s bleeding from an ear too. Mouse is confused, and wants confirmation that it’s definitely Alice. He explains about Alice’s duplicate. Alice decides to go and out what’s happening.

Sophie and the Crows are searching a building when Kate shows up as Batwoman. Kate wants Sophie to remove the shoot to kill order. To protect Sophie. The Crows are arresting innocents and conducting unlawful searches. Clients have left, their boss is in jail and it looks as if they’re on a power trip. Sophie won’t remove the order.

Luke and Beth are theorising, though there’s one option that Kate won’t consider. For one to live, one must die. Then Alice turns up. Followed shortly afterwards by Kate. Alice finds out that Beth’s Kate saved her life. She’s, understandably, a bit upset. Alice decides that one of them must die, and it’s not her. She throws her knife at Beth. Which Kate catches. Alice gets away again.

Kane has been confronted in the bathroom by Dodgson. Dodgson does not have a high opinion of his former boss. He might have killed him, if another inmate didn’t intervene. Kane maybe getting out, and the inmate wants this favour remembering and returning.

Mary is at her clinic when Alice rolls up. She wants Mary’s help. After all, Alice did save Mary7’s life in “A Mad Tea-Party”. With a cure-all. That would work on Alice too.

Alice says people underestimate Mary. Turns out, Alice is one of those people. The security at Wayne Tower is really quite lax; they should probably look into that. And there’s a surprise that can be seen coming just before it’s revealed. It looks like Kate will only be able to save one version of her sister. A difficult choice.

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