Battlestar Galactica – Occupation

“Occupation” is episode one of season three of the new Battlestar Galactica.

In the season two finale, “Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 2”, the Cylons arrived at New Caprica, as they had detected the nuclear weapon that Gina had detonated, destroying Cloud 9 and several other ships. The fleet jumped away, being badly outnumbered, and Gaius surrendered to the Cylons, primarily his Number 6 and the original Boomer.

Between that and this, there were several webisodes.

On New Caprica, Colonel Tigh is in a cell, a bandage over one eye, when Cavil enters. Cavil tells Tigh that every time Tigh is taken out of his cell, they fiddle with the hashmarks of his calendar. Starbuck is dining with Leoben Conroy. Ellen Tigh is with another Cavil. Chief Tyrol have planted a bomb where a Heavy Raider is landing.

Conroy doesn’t trust Starbuck with a knife, probably with good reason. Ellen has finished with Cavil and she asks when she gets what she wants. Cavil tells her he believes that’s happening right now. The other Cavil tells Tigh that his case was a great disappointment to the review committee. Then leaves, but leaves the door open. When Tigh doesn’t move, Cavil comes back and tells him to come. With luck, he’ll be home by dinnertime. Ellen is waiting outside as Tigh is released. Anders and Tyrol set off their bomb and everyone turns to look. Conroy compliments Starbuck. She proves she doesn’t need a knife. As he’s dying, Conroy says he will see her soon. Starbuck tells him to take his time and sits down to eat.

Roslin is writing in a journal. It’s the 134th day of Cylon occupation. There’s been no contact with Galactica since the fleet left. The insurgency is striking back, but Roslin thinks they need to strike at a high value target. Cylons, when killed, just resurrect. The Cylon Occupation Authority is in control, even if Gaius is still president.

On Colonial One, Boomer, Number 6, both Cavils, two Dorals and D’Anna Biers are talking in front of Gaius. The Cavils are being sarcastic about their mission to bring God to the unenlightened humans. Number 6 and Boomer say they are there because the majority of Cylons felt their slaughter of mankind was a mistake. It looks like they made progress after “Downloaded”. The Cavils think they need to instil fear. Start by executing Gaius. No point; most humans think he’s a traitor and would cheer his death. The Cavils suggest executing the leaders of the insurgency and random people off the street. Or reduce the human population to a more manageable size. Say, 1,000. Boomer and Number 5 disagree. Afterwards, D’Anna asks Number 6 if it’s really worth loving Gaius.

The Cylons are recruiting a human police force, according to Roslin. Others have been questioned, held, tortured or simply disappeared. They’re getting important documents from an unknown source within Baltar’s administration. The latest thing is the graduation plans for the New Caprica Police Academy.

Colonel Tigh is sure that Galactica will be back, and that there’s a Raptor there every day listening. Anders does not. The fleet is trying to prep, but they’re short of crew and have another bunch of new pilots, which isn’t going well. Apollo has really let himself go. Tigh is planning something that Tyrol thinks crosses a line. Starbuck is having to deal with Conroy. That wasn’t the first time she’s killed him. He’s sure she will come to love him, in time. Everything is rather messy.

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