Battlestar Galactica – Guess What’s Coming to Dinner

“Guess What’s Coming to Dinner” is episode seven of season four of the new Battlestar Galactica.

President Roslin is listening to a tape of Gaius Baltar saying she’s sharing hallucinogenic visions with two Cylons in the fleet. Apollo says he doesn’t want to eb there but people keep asking him what’s going on. He wants to know for the welfare of the fleet. The president tells him he doesn’t have to worry about the welfare of the fleet. Apollo thinks she owes the people an explanation and wants to know if there’s any truth to Gaius’ broadcast. After going through her logic, she reveals there is.

Demetrius and the base ship are getting ready to jump. Starbuck tells Faust there are no guarantees when they get back to the fleet. She also assumes Faust will be the one in charge. Athena reports they are ready from the Raptor and Helo from the Demetrius. It’s important they sync their jumps. So, naturally, Demetrius appears without the base ship due to a problem and Helo is told it will take a few minutes for the FTL to spool up again.

The base ship appears right in the middle of the fleet. Galactica readies guns and launches Vipers, Athena reports comms are down and Adama tells the civilians to jump. The president’s Raptor is heading in. Galactica is turning to attack and Tigh thinks something isn’t right. Adama orders them to fire but Tigh orders a weapons hold. And Demetrius jumps in and explains the situation.

Raptors with Marines and Colonel Tigh arrive on the base ship. Starbuck tells Tigh the Cylons are with her. He asks which one shot Gaeta. Gaeta is heading to sickbay.

In Galactica‘s wardroom, Faust is telling how the Cylons divided by models. Adama asks about the seventh model and it’s explained that the D’Annas were boxed after the battle on the algae planet and what this means. Adama asks why. Because she saw the face of the Final Five and that’s forbidden. If she’s unboxed, she can reveal their identities. Tigh looks concerned.

Starbuck explains the Final Five have been to Earth and can help the Colonials get there. Faust says their base ship can heal itself but most of the Raiders were destroyed. They need help. The president wants to know why. Faust explains that the boxing facility is at the Cylon resurrection hub which controls every resurrection ship in existence. Athena says the hub jumps to new coordinates to protect itself and relays those to the base ships. Faust tells Roslin the reason is vengeance. Destroy the hub and Cylons lose the ability to download.

Faust explains that the rebels can’t go back. They need to be with the Five and D’Anna can ID them. They will take the Colonials to the hub if they unbox D’Anna. Adama wants the coordinates. Faust refuses, but when he orders her taken out, she asks if his word is good. If she gives the coordinates, she wants his word that when the Five are revealed, the rebel Cylons are free to leave with them. The Five are in the fleet. That’s why the Raiders turned back during battle.

Afterwards, Adama asks Tigh how he knew about the base ship. Tigh says he didn’t; they got lucky. Adama wants a Raptor sent to the coordinates and hope they get lucky again. Racetrack’s Raptor is sent and they find the hub.

Gaeta doesn’t want Cottle to put him under whilst his leg is removed.

Adama, Helo, Tigh and Roslin are discussing maters. Helo says they send in Vipers with the base ship to the hub. Tigh thinks the Cylons are lying because the Raiders never turned back before. Why do it know? Though he likely knows the reason. The president says to unbox D’Anna, but keep the Final Five until they reach Earth.

Zarek is telling the Quorum what is going on. He asks why they weren’t consulted. The four Cylons are wondering what will happen. Tory finds the president on Galactica; Roslin wants her to find out how Gaius got the rumours., She knows Tory is sleeping with him. Faust and an Eight and Leoben are deciding to do the mission, but keep the humans hostage. Apollo finds Roslin in sickbay; the Quorum are considering a vote of no confidence.

Starbuck is having flashbacks to what the Hybrid said to her. The opera house dream is happening again and Roslin wants to know the meaning. Both Cylons and humans are struggling with each other.

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