Babylon 5 – Survivors

“Survivors” is episode eleven of season one of Babylon 5.

A star liner is being escorted by Starfuries and in the background on Babylon 5 a reporter is saying that President Santiago is visiting Babylon 5 on the next stop of his tour, and a new fighter wing is being brought to the station as well. Garibaldi and Ivanova are taking about the visit; the president’s security is refusing to share his itinerary, because it’s safer not to. That way, according to Garibaldi and Ivanova, they can be blamed if something goes wrong.

Garibaldi also says that they should have got the fighter wing two years ago. Now they are having to get unmaintained Cobra Bays up to spec using untrained staff. Ivanova asks if Garibaldi is surprised by this, and he isn’t – so she commends him on his very Russian attitude.

They are approaching the Cobra Bays and inside one of them a spacesuited figure is using a cutting torch when suddenly there is an explosion. In the observation dome, Sinclair sees a spacesuit spinning way.

The man in the suit is recovered and brought to Medlab, but Dr. Franklin says that he’s in a very bad way and in no shape to answer questions. Garibaldi says that it’s most likely an accident. He isn’t ruling out sabotage, but until evidence points otherwise, he’s going for accident.

They get notice that the chief of the president’s security staff, a Major Lianna Kemmer, is arriving at the station, and Garibaldi recognises the name. He knew her 17 years ago, and says that she was a sweet kid. The major, when she arrives, says that she’s going to take over the investigation. She can do this, even without cooperation, but would prefer that Sinclair agree. Major Kemmer does not appear to be pleased to see Garibaldi.

When Garibaldi leaves, Sinclair follows him. Garibaldi says it’s a personal matter but, as Sinclair is distracted by G’Kar who has a complaint over the seating arrangements at the president’s dinner, Garibaldi spots a thief and reacts rather aggressively. So Sinclair gets him to open up.

17 years ago Garibaldi was stationed on Europa, where half the people were breaking the law and the other half didn’t care. Trying to maintain the law in a place where nobody cared about it wore Garibaldi down, and he started drinking. He made a friend of a shuttle pilot called Frank Kemmer, and spent time with him and his family, which helped get the drinking under control. Garibaldi started making progress against the rackets and heard they were coming after him, and thought he could handle it. They didn’t go after Garibaldi directly, though, but blew up Frank’s shuttle and pinned the blame on Garibaldi. So he became an alcoholic.

Major Kemmer revives the injured man in med lab and questions him. The man, Nolan, says that the explosion wasn’t an accident but a bomb. And that Garibaldi planted it. Then Nolan dies. The major insist that Garibaldi be suspended during the investigation, as this is standard practice. She will take charge of security.

Evidence is found in Garibaldi’s quarters pointing to him, and he insists he’s being framed. And goes on the run. Sinclair has had enough of Kemmer and her presidential authority, saying she’s after blood, not justice – the major clearly blames Garibaldi for her father’s death and sees him as definitely being responsible for the explosion. Sinclair knows that he will eventually be overruled by Earth on the matter and Garibaldi is looking into things himself.

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