Babylon 5 – Interludes and Examinations

“Interludes and Examinations” is episode fifteen of season three of Babylon 5.

At the end of the previous episode, “Ship of Tears”, Garibaldi made a breakthrough with the Book of G’Quan, realising that the reason there were no Narn telepaths left was because the Shadows had wiped them out – because the Shadows are vulnerable to telepaths. Good news, perhaps, but the Shadows had also started openly attacking other worlds.

This episode begins with Shadow vessels cruising amongst destroyed ships and Ivanova narrating. She says that it is August 3rd, 2260, ten days since the Shadows started attacking openly for the first time. They are picking targets close to the Rim, minor powers and a few of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The attacks seem totally random and almost senseless and have made the situation on the station worse.

She continues, saying that they have had to hire more security personnel to make sure the wrong type of people don’t get onboard. As Ivanova is saying this, one guard is heading down a line of travellers waiting to board the station. He stops by Mr Morden, who is very definitely the wrong type of person. Ivanova says that, without being able to perform background checks back home, she assumes there will be lapses. One of them being Morden paying the guard who pulled him out of line. Ivanova says that people are handling the stress fairly well, but something’s got to give. That something appears to be Dr Franklin, who is injecting himself with a stim. No-one has seen Ambassador Kosh in over a week and Ivanova says that when a Vorlon goes to ground, she starts to worry. Londo is Londo – and he’s currently being fitted for some clothing – and you never know which way he will jump.

As Londo is finishing with his fitting, Vir arrives. Londo wants Vir to hire a suite, the biggest on the station, and to fill it with flowers. Vie says that this will cost and Londo tells him to pay it, for nothing is too good for her. ‘Her’ is Adira, the slave girl that Londo fell in love with in “Born to the Purple”. She is returning to the station.

The guard Morden paid is dead, and Morden is retrieving his payment. Ivanova concludes that they are okay for now, as long as nothing else goes wrong. Three Shadows materialise around Morden. That probably counts as something going wrong.

Sheridan is meeting with a couple of ambassadors. One, the Brakiri ambassador, says that the technology is too far advanced beyond their own, and they cannot defend themselves without help. What they cannot defend themselves from is the Shadows. The ambassador asks if Earth can help and Sheridan says that Earth has its own problems, and that since the station declared itself independent, they aren’t in a position to ask for anything. Everyone is on their own, which was the intent of the Shadows.

The Brakiri ambassador says that their military is outclassed and they lost many ships in their recent war with their neighbours. Sheridan asks why the Brakiri trusted the Shadows, why they believed the Shadows were on their side when all they wanted the Brakiri to do was waste resources. The Brakiri replies that they thought the Shadows had recognised their value above the others. Sheridan replies that it isn’t about value, the Shadows are not on anybody’s side but their own.

Sheridan says that one of the major civilisations in the area has been asked to help, and four other worlds are willing to join. If, he says to the Gaim ambassador who is present in an encounter suit, the Gaim will consider getting involved. The Gaim says no. They have not been attacked and they may not be. If the Gaim join with the Brakiri, they may be noticed, which will invite attack. The captain tells the Gaim that an attack will come sooner or later. The Gaim replies that Sheridan does not know that. What the Shadows do not see, they may not attack. They are a powerful enemy; if Sheridan can show he has equal power, they will consider it. If not, the Gaim will stay quiet.

Franklin is in Medlab arguing with another doctor, Hobbs, about an alien patient and telling her not to question him in his own lab. Dr Hobbs replies that she isn’t questioning Franklin; she’s saying he is wrong. Garibaldi and some others bring in an injured security guard at this point and the alien patient starts dying. Franklin starts losing it at this point, shouting at everyone. The alien is stabilised and Hobbs tells Franklin he gave the wrong instructions. She says they can check the lab tapes if he wants to prove it. Franklin replies that she can check anything she wants.

Londo is remembering Adira when Vir calls him about the suite. Londo heads out and suddenly the lighting changes. Ahead of him appears Morden. Morden tells Londo that they have something to settle. He’s disappointed in the ambassador; he doesn’t know how Londo did it but Lord Refa is not returning his calls (because Londo poisoned Refa in “Ceremonies of Light and Dark” to get him to cooperate). That the Centauri government has pulled back its campaign against several worlds on the fringe of Centauri space.

Londo admits he may have said a word or two to people about not weakening the Republic’s defences fighting trivial border wars. Morden replies that his associates need the Centauri to continue their campaign. Londo asks why, as he does not believe Morden’s associates care anything about the Centauri Republic. Londo answers his own question; he says that the Centauri are being used as agents of chaos, as a convenient distraction.

Morden warns Londo that his associates may turn their eye towards his homeworld. Londo replies that if they do, the Centauri will pluck it out. Morden continues, telling Londo he will regret it if he violates their agreement. There are noises in the background of this conversation as well. Londo respond, telling Morden that they can do nothing to him that has not already been done. Only there probably is – Adira is arriving on the station. When Londo leaves, Morden’s associates materialise. Morden responds to something they say, saying no, they need Londo alive for now. That there are other ways.

Garibaldi checks on Dr Franklin in his quarters. Franklin is heading out again and Garibaldi says his shift only ended half an hour ago. Franklin replies that as he can handle it, he’s going to work. Only the chief tells Franklin that he doesn’t think he can handle it. In Medlab, the doctor was crazed and distracted and nearly lost a patient. Franklin angrily replies that he doesn’t have to defend himself to Garibaldi. Garibaldi says that as a friend, he is concerned, but as head of security. Over the last six months Franklin’s behaviour has gotten more and more erratic, and it isn’t only Garibaldi that has noticed. Garibaldi tells Franklin he can help with the stims. Franklin doesn’t want to talk about it anymore; Garibaldi says he doesn’t want to go around Franklin. The doctor tells him to do his job whilst Franklin does his.

Delenn enters the command centre for the war against the Shadows and approaches Sheridan. Sheridan says that the Shadows are doing hit and run attacks; they arrive, attack, destroy, then leave again without holding the space. Delenn tells the captain that is the same pattern as a thousand years ago. It keeps the major powers off guard as they never know when to expect an attack. Sheridan wants to know if it isn’t about territory, what is their goal.

To survive, Sheridan continues, they need to organise everyone they can into a cohesive defensive force. Which has never been done before and the captain can see why. The other worlds all have their own agendas and rivalries and half of them won’t even talk to the other half. Worse, Sheridan feels like he is lying to them. He has ideas and possibilities, but no-one can stand up to the Shadow vessel. They just need one victory against the Shadows. Delenn replies that he should give them that victory then. Sheridan asks if she means just like that. Delenn does. So he asks how Delenn suggests they do this. She doesn’t know, but she’s sure that Sheridan will think of something. After Delenn leaves Sheridan complains that people are talking more and more like Kosh. Then has a lightbulb moment.

Garibaldi approaches Dr Hobbs about the blood samples anyone working with aliens has to get. She tells him that Franklin, as chief of staff, is the only one authorised to look at them. Garibaldi wants to look at Franklin’s tests. Hobbs doesn’t want to help. Garibaldi tells her that, as chief of security, he can get the tests, but if they show what he thinks they will show, Franklin will kiss the rest of his career goodbye. Hobbs wants the chief to go through channels, rather than do it herself.

Sheridan’s lightbulb moment involves the Vorlons. Who are perhaps the only race with ships currently able to stand toe-to-toe with Shadow vessels – and stand a chance of winning. Kosh gives Sheridan some warnings, but Sheridan doesn’t understand what Kosh is getting at. Vir bumps into Morden, who asks Vir if there’s anything Morden can do for him. Vir replies that, other than dying, no. Vir may be scared of Morden but he isn’t shy about letting him know how he feels.

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