Babylon 5 – A Spider in the Web

“A Spider in the Web” is episode six of season two of Babylon 5.

Sheridan and Ivanova are discussing Starfury maintenance and the seat layout of a conference room for an incoming alien delegation when Sheridan gets a message about a problem in the ambassador’s section, one which requires a command officer. Ivanova goes to deal with it; Sheridan is happy to be captain.

Talia is in another room and warmly greets the man who enters, Taro Isogi. He wants to know what she thinks of his latest proposal; she thinks that it is pretty much out there, like all of his previous proposals, but one that will also be a good thing, if it gets backed. And that the Senate won’t be too happy. Isogi says that FutureCorp needs to expand beyond Earth, and Mars is the logical next step. Isogi is meeting Amanda Carter, of Mars Colony business affairs. She says that he is either insane or a very brave man. Isogi mentions Carter’s great-grandfather John, who piloted the very first colony ship to Mars. Which makes her great-grandfather John Carter – of Mars. An Edgar Rice Burroughs reference.

On Earth in the San Diego Wastelands (San Diego was mentioned as having been destroyed by a terrorist nuke by Commander Sinclair in “Midnight on the Firing Line”) in a high tech and presumably, given its location, very secret command centre, a mostly unseen woman is watching the Earth Alliance president speaking when she gets a call. The caller, in a heavily modified voice, says that all the components have arrived on Babylon 5 and that Control is prepared to go online. The woman tells the caller to commence the operation and, on Babylon 5, a cargo container opens slightly and a hand wearing a single odd-looking ring sticks out through the gap.

Sheridan gets a transmission from Senator Elise Voudreau. The senator is concerned about Isogi and Carter. Carter is an outspoken proponent of Mars independence and the senator claims that she is conspiring with Isogi to fund another Mars rebellion. She has no proof, but says that FutureCorp wants a foothold in space and another rebellion could force out the current Mars Conglomerate. Sheridan tells Voudreau that Babylon 5 has no authority over commercial negotiations; she tells him to check it out because it’s a potential threat to Earth security. Sheridan politely says that he isn’t a spy, but the senator still tells him to keep them informed. He is definitely not happy and the whole thing sounds a bit fishy.

At the meeting, Isogi tells Carter that what he is proposing could guarantee Mars Colony’s independence without bloodshed. That there are alien worlds that need what Mars has and vice versa. She needs assurance, and Isogi tells her that all the prospective partners have representatives on the station. The meeting ends well and Isogi asks Talia to accompany him to dinner later, and she agrees.

Later, Talia and Isogi are walking through the station when a man says Free Mars and grasps Isogi by the throat. Electricity comes from his hands Talia sees something in the attacker’s mind. Isogi falls to the floor, dead, and the killer leaves, without attacking Talia. When Sheridan questions Talia, she says that she has encountered Free Mars terrorists before, and they are passionate about the subject. The man who murdered Isogi was emotionless. Talia also says that Free Mars had no reason to kill Isogi. Sheridan mentions Earth Central’s suspicions, which upsets Talia.

The killer has the same ring on his hand that was seen coming from the cargo container. The hand is also artificial. The man communicates with another electronically modified voice, and reports that Phase 1 is complete. The voice identifies Talia, and says that she is a threat, and to kill her before continuing with Phase 2.

Sheridan wants to know Ivanova’s opinion of Talia. He knows that the commander is less than keen on telepaths; she apparently threw one out of a third floor window on Io. Ivanova says that there was a pool beneath; Sheridan says he will assume that Ivanova knew that before dumping the telepath out of the window. Ivanova feels that Talia, herself, is trustworthy.

Amanda Carter also doesn’t know what possible reason Free Mars would have against Isogi. The ones she feels would have something against his plans are the Senate and Mars Conglomerate.

This sees development in areas that have been hinted about, nothing to do with the upcoming Great War, but problems with Earth.

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