Sanctuary – Kali: Part III

“Kali: Part III” is episode one of season three of Sanctuary.

In the season two finale, “Kali: Part II”, Edward Forsythe was using Big Bertha/Kali to build new land. Why was not revealed (this is revealed late on in the episode, and it’s rather unexpected). Will, using the link he still had to Kali, managed to convince her to stop following Forsythe’s commands, which was made easier by Magnus and Henry stunning everyone on Forsythe’s ship, leaving him unable to argue otherwise.

Unfortunately, Terrence Wexford, the New York head of house (played by Stargate: AtlantisPaul McGillion – Dr. Carson Beckett), launched an attack using depth charges on Kali whilst Magnus was off the ship. When she returned, she was informed that the other heads of houses had voted unanimously to remove her from her position as head of the Sanctuary Network. Wexford said there was a problem, and he had dealt with it. Not so. The attack on Kali has not killed her – it’s just made her very, very angry, as well as making her believe that Will had betrayed her. She’s now launched a tsunami and they don’t really have the ability to talk her down now. Magnus’ removal may be very short-lived. Will is probably still dying as well.

Magnus’ ship appears to have come through Kali’s wave relatively unscathed. Two other ships have not. They are trying to recover casualties but Wexford wants to take another shot at Kali. The first one went so well after all. The tidal wave is now heading for Mumbai (and other places), where it will make a mess of things. Magnus us not happy with Wexford’s actions, but he says that he is now head of the network. So Magnus flies her helicopter between the ship and Kali, blocking the missiles’ targeting. Kali emits an EMP, disrupting the ship’s systems and knocking Magnus’ helicopter out of the air.

Magnus is missing, presumed dead, and Wexford seems to be casting the blame for the tsunami on her decision to keep Big Bertha alive in the first place. Not him firing on her. And he still wants to find and kill Kali.

Forsythe’s men fish Magnus out of the water, but Forsythe himself no longer has much interest in anything. The macri is dead and, as its former host, it’s only a matter of time before he’s dead as well, and he no longer cares much about anything.

The tidal waves are going to hit many other places, potentially killing millions. The only possible way to stop them may be Kali, but she’s not talking to Will, with the death of the macri Forsythe can no longer communicate with her and Wexford is still trying to kill her. There’s a possible way, but it’s dangerous.

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