“Hero” is episode four of season two of Sanctuary.
In the previous episode, “Eulogy”, Magnus finally accepted that Ashley was dead, after all attempts to find her, or any vestige of her, failed (Ashley has been replaced on the credits image by Druitt, Kate and Henry). The titular eulogy was held, although Druitt himself didn’t attend. He was hunting Dana Whitcomb – the Cabal hasn’t done well following their attack on the Sanctuary network; there’s a passing remark which suggests it’s been destroyed – and having a man who, when he lost it, was Jack the Ripper, after a person is probably not very healthy for them.
This episode opens with a running man being pursued by two motorbikes ridden by two people in black leathers. The man runs into a dead end, and the bikers draw guns on him and tell him to get down on the ground. Then a man dressed in a superhero costume – a bit of an overweight superhero at that – flies over the end of the ally. He states that he is The Adjuster, easily takes out the two bikers then flies off with the man they were chasing.
The bikers were actually Will and Declan. The man they were chasing is an empath trying to break free from the mob. Magnus wants The Adjuster found, as he’s interfering with their work. The Adjuster – real name Walter – is found quite easily, but he thinks that the Sanctuary crew are supervillains. So he’s less than cooperative. Walter is a comic book fan and only Henry has any real familiarity with superhero comic books, so Walter is able to play the others. Walter isn’t an Abnormal, but his suit is. That’s where his powers are coming from, but it’s also killing him – and he can’t get it off. Walter provides a degree of comic relief for the episode.
At a construction site a wall collapsed revealing a hidden chamber. The chamber held an egg, which according to Magnus must have been laid before the city was built. Said egg has now hatched and one of the people who found it is now missing. He is found, but the egg held an insectoid creature with some definite shades of Alien.
Kate is contacted by her brother, who has had a bit of a gambling problem in the past. He’s incurred a debt to someone called Constantine, who Kate knows from her past. Constantine has discovered that Kate is working within the Sanctuary, and wants her help. Her brother’s debt was simply leverage over her, so that she could steal things from him. Will she work with Constantine or will she finally change?
Three different plot threads to this episode, two of which intersect.