“Ragtag” is episode twenty-one of season one of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
This episode starts off with a clip from fifteen years previously, with a young Ward and Garrett (although truthfully neither appear much younger than they do today), and has several more from the same era throughout, which go some way to show why Ward is loyal to Garrett, as Garrett broke Ward out of juvenile detention. And then basically brainwashed him.
In the present day, Ward seems to be getting more conflicted with Garrett’s actions, and Raina, the girl in the flowered dress, also seems less enamoured of him, now that he is revealed to be the Clairvoyant, and lacking in special abilities. Raina is interested in people with abilities, not people who merely have access to secure databases.
Coulson’s team infiltrate Cybertek, to try and get more information on Deathlok (the former Mike Peterson), and then track Garrett down.