Fringe – Liberty

“Liberty” is episode twelve of season five of Fringe.

In the previous episode, “The Boy Must Live”, Michael got off the train and walked straight into Windmark’s arms. It looked deliberate.

At the lab, they have nothing on Michael and Astrid says the convoy transporting him just fell off the grid. Olivia is trying to contact Broyles, but he isn’t answering. Because he’s conning a Loyalist lieutenant into giving the location of a high-value detainee. He gives the location on Liberty Island.

Michael is strapped to a chair and Windmark is trying to question him and read his mind. All that happens is that Windmark starts bleeding from the nose and then the capillaries in one of his eyes bursts.

Broyles rings the others and gives them the location of Michael, and schematics of the camp. It’s a fortress. He can’t get them in and a boat would be detected. Olive suggests bypassing security. By going in through the Other Side. She can find the location and cross over, then bring Michael back. Astrid says that with no cortexiphan, Olivia has no ability to cross over. Olivia says maybe there’s a way to get her abilities back, and Walter says perhaps there is.

He still has some cortexiphan, and a massive dose might stimulate the parts of her brain long enough for her to cross over. Peter is worried it might be dangerous. Walter confirms it is. Olivia says they have no choice. They also have no idea what might have happened on the Other Side. The Observers might have invaded. Astrid suggests checking with the window.

Diagnostics are going to be run on Michael. Windmark is bleeding from the nose again.

The window is set up and the Other Side looks fine. No Observers.

Donald arrives at the currently empty lab, and starts working on assembling a device with what he brought with him.

Olivia and the others head to a safehouse where they have supplies. Walter injects her with a lot of cortexiphan very rapidly. She can now head over to the Other Side. But just because she’s been injected doesn’t mean that she couldn’t suffer harmful side effects, and she only has a limited amount of time. And the Observers are going to experiment on Michael.

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